i said the same thing in here many times. for all the noise we make about bernie. truth is. we never reallly thought that most of america were smart enough, or woke enough to vote for this guy over one of the dnc chosen ones. why? because the DNC, mainstream media in lockstep with the DNC has been training americans for decades how to think, how to vote down their actual interest and to vote based on fear. Fear that what you need done will never get done so why even try. Fear that trump will win again so i better vote blue no matter who even if the who is a republican lite with receipts to prove it and a super liar with receipts to prove it.
decades vs a guy that just got some national traction 4 years ago. the fact that he pulled this off in 4 years is unbelievable to be honest. he has pulled even the most corporate of dems to the left. even the corporate dnc fans have to admit all of the debates have been about bernie policies. have you ever seen that before? I know i havent.
The most disappointing fact about Bernie's campaign failing is the sobering reality that grassroots action meant so very very little in the end. The millions of individual donors, hours of phone calls, one on one interactions and educating, door knocking..................ultimately yielded next to nothing

. If that's not a recipe for apathy and total disengagement from the political process I don't know what is.
A just as tough ironic pill to swallow is that the guy who inspired millions upon millions of youth to dream about "Hope" and "being the change you want to see" was instrumental in completely snuffing out that fantasy of "change" for so many of those same people.
The people: "Yes we can!!"