
Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
The press conference Bernie just did was brutal. I'm not trying to doom and gloom but he looked sick and tired at the gotcha questions from the lyin news media. Bernie went over Biden's record and other things then said yes he'd campaign for Biden if he won.....yet Bernie is going to get blamed if Biden loses in November. We're getting Corbyn'd

The worst part is he said that Biden can win but we have the stronger campaign lol. I'm sorry but Bernie needs to flip it on them and say Biden is unelectable. Biden and everybody in Dem leaning media says Bernie is a communist, can't win and would hurt downballot races. Bernie is a nice guy (like Corbyn) but you're applying for the most powerful job in the world, you actually have to go on the attack and flip it on them.

CNN ran a segment a few hours ago with some pundit talking about Bernie could be "dividing the party" and then followed it up with Warren's Maddow appearance where she says Biden is a decent guy who wants the best for America. We're in high speed manufactured consent mode for Biden. We can't counter this narrative tbh. Institutional disadvantage

The only way we get out of this is by winning Michigan and in the 1-on-1 debate with Biden he completely flops when he has to speak for more than 2 minutes but he's been pretty untouchable. Not giving up but Biden has the media push he needs while the campaign can keep him hidden

Can't be Corbyn if we don't get the Nomination. That L will be on Biden


All Star
May 9, 2012
Unless Biden doesnt have to speak I cant see anyway hes beating Trump. its insane to think voters as a whole are going to hand the country to a senile person especially on the democratic side. the country doesnt ultimately care if trumps a bigot, why are people acting like white people care about that shyt at the end of the day they dont. they only get worked up cause trump is rude thats literally the only reason. thats why the future right populists scare the fukk out of me. these people were just willing to accept bloomberg, they dont care about his bigotry. and if its actually a choice between trump who you can make the case he has ementia too but its early, he can still make his dumb off the cuff bigoted remarks to his base. biden cant say what he wants to say hes incoherent. ben dixon had a great tweet essentially saying this. and the GOP is not going to allow Biden to be hidden like Bernie and the DNC are allowing now. trump might refuse the debate if it was bernie or maybe any other dem but he will force the debate if its biden since it will expose his cognitive decline.


Jun 14, 2012
Breh the media erasure of the incident is crazy. And then when they get shamed into covering it they’re posting titles and images to make it seem like the Nazi wasn’t there to threaten and taunt Bernie. They’re really trying to pretend the guy isn’t Jewish. This shyt is wild as fukk


Jan 26, 2017
Unless Biden doesnt have to speak I cant see anyway hes beating Trump. its insane to think voters as a whole are going to hand the country to a senile person especially on the democratic side. the country doesnt ultimately care if trumps a bigot, why are people acting like white people care about that shyt at the end of the day they dont. they only get worked up cause trump is rude thats literally the only reason. thats why the future right populists scare the fukk out of me. these people were just willing to accept bloomberg, they dont care about his bigotry. and if its actually a choice between trump who you can make the case he has ementia too but its early, he can still make his dumb off the cuff bigoted remarks to his base. biden cant say what he wants to say hes incoherent. ben dixon had a great tweet essentially saying this. and the GOP is not going to allow Biden to be hidden like Bernie and the DNC are allowing now. trump might refuse the debate if it was bernie or maybe any other dem but he will force the debate if its biden since it will expose his cognitive decline.

In the general, Barack will be campaigning hard like he running for the 3re time


Aug 15, 2014
bernie is way too nice. its a huge weakness of his.
new article by taibbi
But Rolling Stone spoke to multiple current and former Sanders aides who worry the Senator’s personality — he’s phobic about personal confrontation and retains traces of an inferiority complex from his days as an Independent straggler — might lead him to miss a chance at history. They say the campaign, which declined to comment for this story, has, among other things, declined to aggressively confront Joe Biden on issues like Social Security, trade, and the bankruptcy bill.

“Bernie is conflict-averse,” says Matt Stoller, who worked for Sanders for two years. “His staff has always had real trouble getting him to criticize any Democrat by name.”

“Bernie is always better on the counterpunch, on the rope-a-dope,” says Mark Longabaugh, who was chief strategist for Bernie’s 2016 campaign.When he lands, it’s usually a counterpunch, like ‘I wrote the damn bill.’ It’s hard for him to go on the attack.”

“I always said, if he learned anything from 2016, it’s that in order to win the nomination, to beat the political establishment, you have to take it from their cold, dead hands. You have to go to war with these people,” the longtime former aide says. “But Bernie is acting like he’s running for State Senator in Burlington.”
