There will be more of this. Billions of dollars are on the line with a Bernie nomination. Expect California to have more fukkery with their NPP ballots. Expect polling stations in Latino heavy districts to have staffing shortages to create longer lines. Expect Fresno county to have voter registrations missing.
Get ready for what's coming in Nevada. 2016's Nevada caucus was the most open and blatant rigging of that cycle. The big Nevada union Culinary wasn't gonna endorse but then Bernie made up a 20 polling point gap in the final week. Harry Reid, who still runs that state, tried to get Culinary leadership to endorse Hillary but the rank and file union members strongly went against that.
So instead Harry Reid talked to casino bosses and got thousands of casino workers off work on caucus day to caucus for Hillary. The best part is they changed the second round delegate rules which would've gave Bernie the win. Don't forget the "chair throwing incident" which never happened. Nevada is full of corrupt union bosses and casino gangsters that will tip the scales. Who will they tip it for? Steyer? I think the goal is just to split the vote so much Bernie can't get a majority.

this bullshyt man
we need to take to the streets if further rigging is done. this Iowa shyt has me really heated. I regretfully wasn't a Bernie supporter in 2016 but now i feel i have a vested interests due to my monthly donations.
i can only imagine how cheated other people will feel after donating their hard earned dollars to a compaign that is being blatently undermine.