
All Star
May 9, 2012
my dudes, and im posting this in here cause lets be real, the more main threads are full of dudes like nap, i want rational opinions and it does in a way involve Bernie.

people say online isnt real life, but whats more represnetative of real life? online millions of people or a sample of a retirment center in southern florida, which is where it seems most of these polls are taken. nobody online is pro biden, maybe not nobody but very few, he cant form coherent sentences, since when is sounding like you have dementia a good thing when most voters vote based on visceral feelings?

also if online doesnt matter, how do you explain the clear fall of kamala after tulsi took her out?

my point, what of all these polls are outdated bullshyt and the top 3 ends up being bernie, yang and tulsi? is that totally out of the realm of possibility? cause the top 3 dems that are talked about in this race not only online but even people i speak to in life is bernie yang and tulsi, some warren and pete with bougie people. but nobody is talking biden, most people i talk to say they think biden has no chance cause he cant form coherent sentences.

now you might say, ok but will these people actually vote? i gotta think if youre parting with your money, then you are voting for that person when the time comes, why havent yang/tulsi dropped out? maybe they have some internal polling that tells them not to.


All Star
May 9, 2012
let me ask you guys something, everyone thinks bernie should take the gloves off right? but heres the thing, hes never won running a negative campaign. in this new age of people wanting politicians to at least appear more genuine, wouldnt it come off as fake if bernie suddenly started being negative? now vs trump its different because trump is a bully. but since biden is perceived for some reason as a nice old man, other than pointing out policy difference, is it really a good idea for bernie to go negative ?

if you look at this warren thing, i actually think the reason this backfired on warren is because bernie played it cool.


Mar 17, 2013
Keeping my overhead low, and my understand high
let me ask you guys something, everyone thinks bernie should take the gloves off right? but heres the thing, hes never won running a negative campaign. in this new age of people wanting politicians to at least appear more genuine, wouldnt it come off as fake if bernie suddenly started being negative? now vs trump its different because trump is a bully. but since biden is perceived for some reason as a nice old man, other than pointing out policy difference, is it really a good idea for bernie to go negative ?

if you look at this warren thing, i actually think the reason this backfired on warren is because bernie played it cool.

He should keep being himself.


All Star
May 9, 2012
is AOC acting funny style again not defending bernie ? im like going crazy how theres any "progressive" that wants bernie people not to be mad, and not because of fukkin bernie, because warren just showd she is not a progressive, i am starting to think that, these people fooled me this whole time. like how is this bytch claiming native american diff from rachel dolazol ? to me its not. and she wrote a racist cookbook where she plagiarized the recipes. that current affairs breakdown is great. but even in policy. she wants green militarism? thats taken seriously? but like i guess i was influenced and wanted to give her a pass, like ok she didnt endorse bernie last time. eh. but this time? no you have to be a fool or disingenuous to be talking unity when this bytch just tried to kill your campaign with a smear. and even the hot mic situation was a setup. thank goodness bernie didnt react. who knows maybe steyer popping up actually saved bernie lmao all honesty this warren situation has really been a realization for me, like the shyt skyfall is saying now how this whole shyt is useless and its all on bernie winning. yeah man and also, i always had a fukk voting attitude but first bernie got me back and then trump being so bad, even though im im not in a swing state. i was starting to be all rational like alright it does make sense to vote, harm reduction, but now im seeing like no, you cant deal with these people on that level. theyre fukkin sociopaths. like i feel disgusting having to vote for them, no matter the opponent. good thing im in NY and its not a consequential decision


#TSC #spooky
May 3, 2012
is AOC acting funny style again not defending bernie ?
Relax, my friend. AOC defended him as did Ilhan and Tlaib retweeted those defending/supporting Bernie. This whole Warren stunt backfired. That shyt was Scooby snacks. Let’s move on and focus on taking Iowa.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, one of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ top presidential campaign surrogates, said Tuesday that it’s “important” to say that women can win elections, after Sen. Elizabeth Warren said Sanders had told her in a private meeting that he did not believe a woman could win the White House in 2020.

“I think with that whole situation, I kind of defer to both of their campaigns,” Ocasio-Cortez said when asked by reporters about Warren’s statement. “But, you know, I think it’s also important to say that of course women can win.”

Electing women is “part of a progressive ideology,” she added. “I know that the senator believes that as well.”

Tlaib has retweeted a ton of tweets supporting Bernie.