You don't need to see the study. The study doesn't support the writers stance.Anyone got a link to the in immigration research referenced by the Times?
I think that there’s a lot of research suggesting that that’s not actually the case, yes.
That if I pay you five bucks an hour, it doesn’t have an impact on her wages.
BA: That immigration ——
I didn’t say immigration.
BA: The immigration under current circumstances, which is substantially under ——
Buh-buh-buh-buh-buh. Hold on. You’re misstating me. All I am saying is that if for whatever reason, I’m paying you $5 an hour, O.K.? You don’t think that’s going to lower the wages that she gets?
BA: There’s a lot of economic research suggesting that it does not.
Not that I have seen.
BA: O.K.
Bernie: people who exploit workers and pay them illegally low wages use the position of the exploited in the labor market against others seeking similar jobs
NY times: Here's a study that says "that there is no clear connection between less immigration and more jobs for Americans"
The argument isn't against less people in the labor market. The argument is that labor should have fair wages, workers should be treated right, and the labor should have the express right to seek action when employers violate labor laws. And government should be on the side of exploited laborers, citizens or not.