Lol our very serious media usually ignores Project Veritas but if they’re smearing Bernie I bet they’ll run with it
Trump better hope those tapes of him saying the N word don't leak soon.
Lol our very serious media usually ignores Project Veritas but if they’re smearing Bernie I bet they’ll run with it
Never thought I'd say this, but I'm done with Liz.
The fact that she blamed Bernie bros for the 2016 loss was revealing af lol. Since she no longer has a path to the nomination, their campaign strategy is do what Hillary did but replace Hillary's ruthlessness with Liz's grandma energyLiz always wanted it both ways, she stayed mad quiet whenever the media was trashing Bernie at the start of the primary.
i think it'll be an awkward convo with a bernie volunteer or random field organizer. if they're dropping it this early it's most likely lamehonestly what is project veritas gonna release that bothers bernie supporters? peter dao said he saw all the oppo research in 2016 and theres nothing there. by the same token, is any repub not gonna vote for trump even if an N word tape drops? dont forget he got away with grab em by the p*ssy
The fact that she blamed Bernie bros for the 2016 loss was revealing af lol
Pmc?PMC fighting like hell to keep their position as the thought leaders of the party
professional managerial classPmc?