This is who y'all support?
Who do you support?
It's a clunky answer but not the 'gotcha' that people are searching for. Can't take this outrage seriously when it's being led by the Hillary/Kamala/#Resistance crowd. Bernie says cops could shoot you in the back of the head if you don't kiss their ass and it's true. "Respect" may have been a weird choice of word but he followed that up with basically saying cops are lawless that are allowed to kill people and he wants to hold them accountable. which other candidate has said that.
In all seriousness, how would have wanted Bernie to answer that? Given the current state of policing, there's basically no advice to give other than try your hardest not to be confrontational, follow instructions and maybe theres a chance they wont decide to mess with you.
The rest of the quote after the video is clipped is know your rights and make sure the police officer's camera is on. Many police are racist & they will shoot you for no reason. We need to change our system, the onus is not on the son.
The only real way to change the outcomes is to reform the system and Bernie has the best criminal justice plan. He probably could have said something more delicately but idk
And if you respond with, "black people get arrested and shot when they comply" my response is Bernie is not claiming black people are safe if only they comply. The answer is basically "do everything you can to avoid getting shot." Nowhere in there is "if you comply, you'll be fine." That's a strawman interpretation