King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014

This is a concerning trait that I keep seeing from Sanders-world. His team is always up to some bullshyt. It's undeniably true that Bernie and his team get a disproportionate amount of criticism, pressure and general inattention from the MSM, but responding like this to factual critiques (from leftist publications!) ain't the way. The pressure ain't gonna abate if Bernie wins the nomination or Presidency, so it's a discouraging sign for his prospects of success as President that his closest advisors respond to pressure like this. This may be a good strategy for creating fukkery on Twitter, but governing?

Jul 26, 2015
I don't think Bernie should drop out at all, but these are bad comparisons. We're not talking about Bernie at the twilight of his Presidency, we're talking about him at the outset of it. Thurmond, McCain, Hatch and Reagan were all on cruise control at the points you're highlighting, and only Reagan was in the office of the Presidency, which is leagues more stressful and difficult than being a single Senator. And I don't think pointing to Reagan's dementia-addled last years provides strong support to the idea that we shouldn't be concerned that a 79 year old man who just had a heart attack is about to assume a 4 year term in the most stress-inducing jobs on the planet. Especially when his model of Presidential power is a highly physically intensive regiment of constantly running around the country giving stump speeches and holding rallies, while committing to making enemies of and destroying not just the Republicans, but also establishment Democrats.

It's a justified comparison based upon what I mentioned, that Bernie's mental acuity has shown no signs of slowing. Reagan was a demented senile piece of shyt in his latter years as president, yet there wasn't much talk of his age being a reason for him to step down or relinquish power. Granted I was a youngin during his presidency, but the criticisms of Reagan even today rarely mention his age, even knowing what we know now that his brain was mere years away from being complete mush.

Yes Senator and President have vastly different burdens and responsibilities, but I'm mainly contesting the narrative of them vs Bernie. If the only factor for acceptance of senior citizens in office is which specific office we're discussing, I frankly think that's a bit weak. Being elected president is not one of the risk factors for developing dementia, at least not in any medical research I've ever read. :skip:

Basically I'm saying, age in and of itself should not be a determining factor for fitness of office. :manny:

One of my coworkers had a heart attack 10 years ago and she also survived a bout of cancer 7 years ago. She's only 47 (and she's not obese). We're both nurses. We deal with elderly people and sick people for a living.

If Warren or Biden, (both in their 70s as well) suddenly had a heart attack, nobody who's followed this race could say with a straight face that the narrative would be equal to Bernie's.

King Kreole

natural blondie like goku
Mar 8, 2014
It's a justified comparison based upon what I mentioned, that Bernie's mental acuity has shown no signs of slowing. Reagan was a demented senile piece of shyt in his latter years as president, yet there wasn't much talk of his age being a reason for him to step down or relinquish power. Granted I was a youngin during his presidency, but the criticisms of Reagan even today rarely mention his age, even knowing what we know now that his brain was mere years away from being complete mush.

Yes Senator and President have vastly different burdens and responsibilities, but I'm mainly contesting the narrative of them vs Bernie. If the only factor for acceptance of senior citizens in office is which specific office we're discussing, I frankly think that's a bit weak. Being elected president is not one of the risk factors for developing dementia, at least not in any medical research I've ever read. :skip:

Basically I'm saying, age in and of itself should not be a determining factor for fitness of office. :manny:

One of my coworkers had a heart attack 10 years ago and she also survived a bout of cancer 7 years ago. She's only 47 (and she's not obese). We're both nurses. We deal with elderly people and sick people for a living.

If Warren or Biden, (both in their 70s as well) suddenly had a heart attack, nobody who's followed this race could say with a straight face that the narrative would be equal to Bernie's.
Yeah this being a non-mental/cognitive issue is why I think he should stay in the race. But my concern isn't that this heart attack will cause Bernie to develop dementia, it's that his physical fitness to hold the office is now in question. Being elected president may not be a risk factor in cognitive decline, but it sure as hell is a risk factor in physical decline. It famously ages people like hell. So while candidate age isn't in and of itself a determining factor, an older candidate having a heart attack is very relevant to the fitness of office discussion. Your coworker had a heart attack when she was 37. Bernie is 78. Problematic comparison. Dude is at an age where health incidents have exponential impacts. Being in your 30s and having pneumonia is pretty beatable. Being an octogenarian and having pneumonia is often a death sentence. I'd be concerned about any candidate, no matter how old, having a heart attack. But being 79 and having a heart attack? That's...not...ideal. Again, especially for a candidate with the most physically intensive idea of wielding presidential power in modern history. His whole theory of change requires him to be at peak physical fitness, constantly running around the country primarying establishment Dems, giving rallies in Republican district, giving speeches, etc. It was questionable whether a 79 year old man could do what he's proposing before the heart attack, but after the heart attack it's practically impossible. And it's a foundational idea behind his unique differentiator.