We will probably get a Bernie vs Kamala back and forth in the next debate. Here's what her press secretary Ian Sams said on Twitter. He tweeted out an old, failed smear story that the HRC campaign used to make Bernie looked "bad" in the 2016 primaries about him going to a DSCC fundraiser (Democratic Senate Campaign Committee)
Dude is a former Hillary and Tim Kaine staffer. It's amazing that these losers can continue to get jobs
It was a retreat to raise money for Democratic senators to get re-elected and he didn't even raise money for himself at the event.
Ian is trying to compare Kamala taking from wealthy donors for herself to Bernie doing an event with other Democrats in 2015 where he took no money. And they still complain he doesn't do enough cause he's not even a democrat lol well at least this will end the myth
Ian is hoping no one reads past the title and doesn't check when it was released. There's literally nothing in the article -- just shyt about Bernie going to the beach, going on a boat and making small talk with a financial services lobbyist. The event had labor union groups as well there lol
He never asked for any money from them and never changed his positions on policy. If Bernie was cool with the uber wealthy like Ian is trying to says he is, how come no billionaires have donated to Bernie yet
Here's the picture and email leak lol