if we take biden over bernie lmao. biden is gonna get killed on the trade deals and lose the midwest and the election, biden is the least electable, bernie is the most electable, the media is completely backwards, this has been true since 2016
something ive been thinking about and i know the centrist dem partisans here arent going to like it and say its cause bernie is secretly racist or some bullshyt but i actually think bernie is an easier appeal to republican voters (not nazis but like average apolitical but vote republican voters) than to centrist democrats which shows how elitist and boogie some of them became. its not cause of any racist or anything like that., its that bernie is disheveled, hes a regular person, he isnt an elite. hed be the first non elite president which is way more important than anything else imo i think i saw that foxnews viewers have a more favorable view of bernie than msnbc viewers, thatrs fukkin sad