I'm gonna rock my 6s Plus till the wheels fall off. Phones getting too damn expensive now
Yea I think the next phone I get I'm keeping for awhile
I'm gonna rock my 6s Plus till the wheels fall off. Phones getting too damn expensive now
Yea but supposedly it will look almost identical to the S8 plus, I don't know what to do....I wish there was a phone dropping similar to my Nexus 6p dropping that I could use on sprint but it seems like everything is gsm only
I don't have a lot of options, what I'm hearing about the pixel 2 I'm not liking either
I'm waiting on this. What have you heard that you don't like?
Im tired of my 6s so this needs to hurry up
Read articles today that says note 8 drops September and will be $900 plus
Phone gonna be over 1k......pass
People crying about the iphone/Note 8 being $900 or $1000.
iPhone 7 Plus 128: $870
iPhone 7 Plus 256: $970
Samsung S8+: $850; $825 for unlocked version
What's the difference? Several people on this forum have one of the 7 aforementioned phones. You can't pay an extra $50-75 for the iPhone 8/Note 8?
LMAO @ the Note 8 having a 3300 MAH battery as opposed to the S8+ 3500 MAH battery. That shyt gonna be barely average with all that hardware it's gotta push.