what they should of done was every 25 levels you should get a gold wild frontire skin for 4 characters wraith,mirage,lifeline and bangalore since they're the most popular i assume...they could be like gold & black or something but have like a tribal type theme to the skins...that woulda been dope and on top of that add a weapon to go with that character skin and have the weapon match the theme also for example
lvl 25 you get legendary gold/black wraith wild frontier skin and gold/black flatline frontier skin
lvl 50 you get legendary gold/black bangalore wild frontier skin and gold/black wingman frontier skin
lvl 75 you get legendary gold/black lifeline frontier skin and gold/black r301 frontier skin
lvl 100 legendary gold/black mirage wild frontier skin and gold/black peace keeper wild frontier skin
AND another legend to go with octane it should be 2 legends per season...