I did not know this. Man I did not know season 6 would be the last season either

Jay is slowly becoming one of my favorite character development arcs I ever watched, and I watched a lot. I don't think they planned on Smurf being out of the story so soon, so I won't trip about the fast progress because we have seen Jay making moves for 3 seasons now.
Bro is a savage though,I wanna see him catch more bodies. His episode when he killed the Spanish chick is still probably the best episode of this series. That shyt was put together so well. Very believable.
You gotta suspended disbelief for all crime dramas, but this show has done a great job of not making mistakes.
Bazz getting merked was completely unexpected, and Smurfs intentions for her kamikaze mission was completely unknown until it was finished.
That's good writing to me