brick james
John piffington
I wouldn't even call it pragmatism. Old people go where the money and established careers are. Walk around NY right now and ask old black folks what Hillary did during her Senate bid and you'd get a bunch of ye shrugs, but they all know Bill opened up that office in Harlem.
They all think the 90s economy was because of Bill.
You're talking about generations of folks who never had access to the actual statistics behind policy analysis. Old black folks stay doing their own 90s MAGA shyt because they only watch MSNBC.
Breh, if you are going to ask 99% of Americans what any senator did in Congress, you are going to get nothing but yeshrugs. Outside of Obamacare, the Iraq vote and the early 90s crime bill, and a few other huge pieces of legislation, no one is going to know anyones congressional record. Who are the people that are basing their vote based on statistical analysis of policy? Even most college graduates are not well versed in that type of data analysis.