I know why
mainstream media can't admit why though
Oh and we both know why black folks not riding for Kamela and Booker lets keep it real![]()
Why is that?
I know why
mainstream media can't admit why though
Oh and we both know why black folks not riding for Kamela and Booker lets keep it real![]()
A black dude with the middle name Hussein got elected 7 years after 9/11. Anything possible
ho-ly shyt
God damn I hate the American electorate....I hate you all
I thought Obama was this awful person that we all must repudiate?
That's what people are saying on here
y'all trying real hard
sanders has never, ever, lagged behind anyone but biden and hillary for the black vote. period.
We should be talking about why the 2 black candidates on the stage are polling in the single digits with black voters, but then that would hurt some feelings.
Kamela is a bedwench who used to lock up people...mostly black and brown...for a living...what black person is voting for that?
Booker...dude aint married...and rather right or wrong in the black community you that old and not married people look at you and say you either gay or something wrong with you that is why you are alone...
My mother in her 50's and when she started following Booker she was like "uh where his wife at?"...and when she found out he don't have one she was done with him...she think dude a weirdo or gay
You want to talk about some truth with the black candidates? With all this talk about Trump and racism and white supremacy...the closes we might actually ever get to seeing real plantation owner is...Kamala Harris...
What she tell Tulsi when she brought up all the questionable stuff she did? "I'm PROUD of the job I did as AG"...
That's not even close to true. Obama was in the race forever before Black voters went to him. I don't think he even took the lead in polling with Black voters until he won the Iowa primary and proved he actually had a shot to take out Clinton. Even after his poll numbers with Black voters skyrocked after that Iowa win (he was still trailing in South Carolina in December) he still only got 78% of the Black voters in the South Carolina primary.Easily the moment black folk saw BO, Michelle, both daughter and mom in law.. that shyt put him over the top.. so much so that Bill Clinton felt a way about it and said some slick shyt.. Black folk was like word? Watch this... 98% of the black vote off the rip went to BO
I tell people this all the time. Anyone who tries to make a universal prediction based on individual identity ("Americans would never vote for a XXXX") is talking out their ass. You don't have a clue what people will do in any particular election until you know the actual candidate and the actual historical context.A black dude with the middle name Hussein got elected 7 years after 9/11. Anything possible
Been arguing for this since the beginning of the race. Bernie and Warren should be riding with each other until the moment one of them is clearly out of the running, then whoever goes out needs to throw on the cape for the other one, and all their supporters should follow suit. I just don't see how you could support either one of them and then claim that Biden, Harris, Buttigieg, whatever is your backup plan.The Sanders-Warren Coalition is![]()
Name a single candidate that Black voters actually like better than Bernie.black voters like![]()
The only one polling higher is Biden, and he has the worst history and least pro-Black policies of the whole group. Literally the only shyt he has going for him is that he was Obama's VP and a lot of Black folk are scared that Trump can't be beat unless Dems nominate someone who's damn near halfway to him.