need a link to that flaming lips
I gotta speak some more on this Flaming Lips record because this is too good to just have one post about.
For people like myself who are 'album' people more than 'song' people, I gotta say The Terror is beyond what I ever would have expected and will likely go down as one of the best albums of the '10s decade.
I have spent the last 4 days with this in constant rotation and each time I listen (I think 10 full spins by now) it blows my mind more and more. This record is completely consuming, sucking you into the dark world they have created and not letting you go for 55 minutes. The utter disregard for any attempt to create any pop moments is ballsy, especially coming from a band who generally has quite a few fun moments on each album.
I just shake my head listening to songs like "Butterfly"...we are the same species of animals that doesn't realize that Tru TV reality shows are scripted and yet a small subsection of people are genius enough to run their fingers up and down some tightened strings and bang away on plastic keys loaded with odd sounds and come up with something that can alter your reality.
The song "Turning Violent" is like a waltz through the mind of a serial killer. Turn up your headphones and shut off the lights and immerse yourself in this world and it is frightening. Yet it is so simple, nothing ever feels forced.
Albums like this make me feel sorry for people who aren't as into it as I am. Not that they are wrong, I can definitely understand someone who may not like it much. I just feel sorry because they don't have the opportunity to experience the emotional impact that I get to experience, it is often a euphoric feeling.
I could speak about it a lot more, but I will just leave it at that because I am already hyping beyond reason and anyone who hasn't heard it yet will inevitably be let down because that is just the way things go when you have people screaming "classic" like I am doing