Saturday: off
went out to LI to look at a house that I am likely going to buy, pretty amped about that so i'm not too upset about missing the workout.
Sunday 11am: Cardio
outdoor run, lots of hills, 4.2 miles, ~36 mins
Monday 430pm: Upper Body Power Day/Abs
Weighted pull ups: bw+45# 3x6
Off the rack db rows (per side): 110#dbx3x6
Tbar rows: +135# 3x6
Flat bb bench: warmup 135x8, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1 (a lot of help on this last set
Weighted dips: bw+60# 3x10 (up from 8 reps last week)
Military Press: 95x8 warmup, 135x3x5
Preacher curls: 95x3x7
Skull crushers: 95x3x8
modified 8 min ab routine
Tuesday 530am: Lower Body Power Day
Squats: warmup 135x8, 225x5, 275x3, 315x1
Hack Squats: 245x2x6
Deadlifts: warmup 225x8, 315x5, 365x3, 405x1
Stiff legged deadlifts: 245x2x6
Leg extensions:
230x3x8 (up 5#)
Lying leg curls:
190x3x8 (up 5#)
Standing calf raise: 245x3x8
Seated calf raise: 180x3x8
i don't know what it is, but my squats have completely stalled
. i mean i am getting older so it's not like i expect to be squatting 4 plates for reps or anything like that. but this 1rm at 315 is still a struggle every lower body power day. if my deadlifts weren't feeling so good i would be really discouraged about now.