so yeah, i was on vacation from dec 19 - jan 6. spent a bulk of that time in miami. i was keeping up w my workouts, not as consistently though. had a few really nice long outdoor runs (6-7 milers). but i was also eating whatever the fukk i wanted and drinking from noon til i went to bed almost every day. i needed it, my body needed it, my sanity needed it. i said i was gonna switch off PHAT for the new year (i've said i was going to switch routines a few times now) but for some reason i keep falling right back into it again. that shyt calls me like the crack did to pookie. i started this week back into my normal PHAT schedule. in the mean time i am researching a few other routines like 5/3/1 like @
hawaii mentioned and a few other i have discussed w @
MMSex. i've been playing catch up at the office so i haven't had the time to do the proper research (and mathematics in the case of the 5/3/1). @
krackdagawd, you still on PHAT? i started off right w my diet though. back to IF style eating. noonish - 8pmish. nice lunch, protein shake before gym at around 4pmish, then nice dinner after workout. cutting down the booze to just weekends. let's see how this goes.
Monday 5pm: Upper Body Power Day
Weighted pull ups: bw+45# 7, 6, 6
Off the rack db rows (per side): 110#dbx3x6
Tbar rows: +135#x3x6
Flat bb bench: warmup 135x8, 225x5, 255x4, 275x3, 225x5, 135x8
Weighted dips: bw+60#x 9, 8, 7
Military Press: 95x8 warmup, 115x7, 135x2x6
Preacher curls: 95x2x7
Skull crushers: 95x2x8
Tuesday 430pm: Lower Body Power Day
Squats: warmup 135x8, 225x5, 255x4, 275x3
Hack Squats: 225x7, 245x6
Deadlifts: warmup 225x8, 315x5, 365x4, 405x2
Stiff legged deadlifts: 225x7, 245x6
Leg extensions: 225x3x8
Lying leg curls: 195x3x8
Seated calf raise: 180x3x8
Donkey calf raise: 340x3x8