Monday 430pm: Upper Body Power Day
Weighted pull ups: bw+45# 6, 5, 5
Off the rack db rows (per side): 110#dbx3x6
Tbar rows: +135# 6, 6, 5
Flat bb bench: warmup 135x8, 225x5, 255x3, 275x1
Weighted dips: bw+60#x3x8
Military Press: 95x8 warmup, 135x 4, 115x2x6
Preacher curls: 95x3x7
Skull crushers: 95x3x8
Tuesday 430pm: Lower Body Power Day
Squats: warmup 135x8, 225x5, 255x3, 275x2
Hack Squats: 245x 6, 5
Deadlifts: warmup 225x8, 315x5, 365x3, 405x2x1
Stiff legged deadlifts: 245x 6, 5
Leg extensions: 225x3x8
Lying leg curls: 195x 8, 8, 7
Seated calf raise: 180x3x8
Donkey calf raise: 340x3x8
had to pull back on some weight on some of the bigger compounds (squats, bench, military etc). all in all feeling pretty good though, soreness starting to dissipate and starting to get back to full strength though. also gone back to IF style eating. not because i necessarily subscribe to meal timing, but moreso that simply cutting out breakfast and going back to 2 meals and a shake just helps me cut out unnecessary calories i don't need. i know i don't have the time to get ready aesthetically for my trip to miami but it can't hurt to try and do my best
. gonna do some sprints tonight