Obama calls today ‘best of times and worst of times’ for blacks


Follow me to the truth
Apr 30, 2012
Bama ass DC

There's no way you can adequately save for retirement and live a decent life (nice car, clothes, vacations, food) on 41k unless you live in some boondock ass Southern city where rent is 500 bucks a month for a one room apartment.

again tell me what isnt covered with 41k? i make less than that and still can afford everything i need with room to spare. is it NYC money? no but thats the biggest rip off of a city you can live in. 41k is more than enough for 1 person.
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
The Expansion of Black American Misery under Barack Obama

I see an article like this as a wake up call. The African American community simply worships Obama and things have gotten worse with him as President. This is not just a problem with Obama because the African American community are simply owned by the Democrat party. At the end of the day greedy Politicians in both parties are worthless. So when you walk in lock step with the Democrats blindly, you will just be an after thought.

Hispanics need to be weary because the Democrats are trying to turn them into the African American Community. Hispanics have some power now because these Politicians only do something if their seat is threatened. So Obama jumps for Hispanics and when the Gay community threatened take support away from him he got behind Gay marriage.

Blacks are seen as irrelevant because they're going to vote over 90% for the Democrat no matter what.

. Black misery has been growing since 2009 under President Obama’s economic and job creation policies. Black folks participation in the labor market has been steadily moving DOWNWARD during the Obama presidency – since 2009 when he was first inaugurated.

The rate of UNDER-employment for Hispanic Americans has DROPPED from 15% in 2009 to 12% at the end of 2012. This represents an improvement of about 20%.

The rate of UNDER-employment for White Americans has DROPPED from 10% in 2009 to 8% at the end of 2012. This represents an improvement of about 20%.

The rate of UNDER-employment for Asian Americans has DROPPED from 8% in 2009 to 6% at the end of 2012. This represents an improvement of about 25%.

But the picture for Black Americans is in the opposite direction. The rate of UNDER-employment for Blacks has INCREASED from 16% in 2009 to 20% at the end of 2012. This represents a 25% WORSENING in the rate of Black underemployment during Obama’s first term in office from 2009 through 2012.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The Expansion of Black American Misery under Barack Obama

I see an article like this as a wake up call. The African American community simply worships Obama and things have gotten worse with him as President. This is not just a problem with Obama because the African American community are simply owned by the Democrat party. At the end of the day greedy Politicians in both parties are worthless. So when you walk in lock step with the Democrats blindly, you will just be an after thought.

Hispanics need to be weary because the Democrats are trying to turn them into the African American Community. Hispanics have some power now because these Politicians only do something if their seat is threatened. So Obama jumps for Hispanics and when the Gay community threatened take support away from him he got behind Gay marriage.

Blacks are seen as irrelevant because they're going to vote over 90% for the Democrat no matter what.

i think articles like this are BS because they use one stat and then extrapolate all kinds of conclusions from that, overall black people are treading water, there are signs and stats that point both ways
May 22, 2012
RENO, Nevada
i think articles like this are BS because they use one stat and then extrapolate all kinds of conclusions from that, overall black people are treading water, there are signs and stats that point both ways

that is true but whats your opinion on this

"I see an article like this as a wake up call. The African American community simply worships Obama and things have gotten worse with him as President. This is not just a problem with Obama because the African American community are simply owned by the Democrat party. At the end of the day greedy Politicians in both parties are worthless. So when you walk in lock step with the Democrats blindly, you will just be an after thought.

Hispanics need to be weary because the Democrats are trying to turn them into the African American Community. Hispanics have some power now because these Politicians only do something if their seat is threatened. So Obama jumps for Hispanics and when the Gay community threatened take support away from him he got behind Gay marriage.

Blacks are seen as irrelevant because they're going to vote over 90% for the Democrat no matter what."


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
that is true but whats your opinion on this

"I see an article like this as a wake up call. The African American community simply worships Obama and things have gotten worse with him as President. This is not just a problem with Obama because the African American community are simply owned by the Democrat party. At the end of the day greedy Politicians in both parties are worthless. So when you walk in lock step with the Democrats blindly, you will just be an after thought.

Hispanics need to be weary because the Democrats are trying to turn them into the African American Community. Hispanics have some power now because these Politicians only do something if their seat is threatened. So Obama jumps for Hispanics and when the Gay community threatened take support away from him he got behind Gay marriage.

Blacks are seen as irrelevant because they're going to vote over 90% for the Democrat no matter what."

i mostly agree, ive said my ideas but i mostly get tomatoes thrown at me when i say them LOL

i think next election black people need to vote for republicans and other third parties and we need to stop amnesty for latin america and increase legal immigration from africa and the caribbean

fundamentally black people are poor or unemployed because of lack of education, so i think we need to push for charter schools and vouchers and a cultural shift toward academics that increases the number of masters and phd degree holders and increases the HS graduation rate

and also to double down on capitalism by increasing savings rates, home ownership and small business
May 1, 2012
“These are both the best of times and worst of times for the African-American community. I think if you work hard and you have opportunity and you’re able to take advantage of it … you know the sky’s the limit for African-Americans in our country in a way that just wasn’t true a generation ago,” he told Sharpton. “On the other hand, the lingering effects of the Great Recession means there’s a whole lot of people in a whole lot of communities that are still struggling.”

That's the key thing here. Not enough black people have that. How can you have opportunity when things like stop and frisk still exist? when employers won't hire you because they heard your voice on the phone and you "sounded black" ? when the war on drugs is still going?

Latinos got the dream act
Gays got a repeal of DADT, and official support of same-sex marriage.
Women got Lilly leadbeter

What do black people get? ERPA support? nope. Refinements or a straight up abandonment of stop & frisk? nope. More money being pumped into inner city facilities? nope. DC's schools are still literally falling apart. Federal laws that restore voting(and other) rights to felons who have done their time? nope. There are so many things that could be done to help black people get opportunity, but he's staying silent on these things and nothing is being done.

Part of me understands why. He's the first black president, if he tried this shyt, white people would not see him as president for the whole country instead of just president for black people(not that they don't already see him that way anyway). He doesn't want to set a precedent, and fukk it up for future black frontrunners because the white majority will think "This guy will only look out for his own like the last guy did so I'm not voting" Maybe if there is ever another black president then the laws in the country that seem to unfairly target black people will be examined and thrown out with federal help. I doubt there will ever be another black president considering how much the latin population is growing, and its no secret that latinos don't particularly like us. It will probably just be business as usual until most black people begin to pool their resources together to build up the community. Building private schools, private clinics, private city maintainence services, private media, etc. If rich black celebrities invested in black businesses instead of european designers, I wouldn't be surprised if the community would be better off.

Alternatively, considering how rapidly the middle class is growing in African countries, I wouldn't be surprised if in 40 years not enough seems to have changed, that a lot of black people will just start saying "fukk it" and moving to these countries to seek job opportunities as skilled and unskilled labourers. While North America and Europe decline, Africa, Asia, and Latin America rise. Its only a matter of time until more black people start realizing that they're on a sinking ship and decide to go where they'll have their dignity as well as better economic opportunities.

real talk.

the biggest obstacle to black success in america is white america.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Real talk, college should be with filled with blacks. There's some many scholarships for AA's pursing Engineering and Physics..

I'm going back to college for engineering.

Thanks for the info. :shaq:
May 1, 2012
thats not really true, the biggest obstacle to black success is education

it is very true, and the lack of education in our community is related to what i'm speaking on. white america, in all corners of life, stands in the way of black mobility in this country. the embers of slavery still burn, the stench of that legacy filling the air we breathe in this diseased country. high "unemployment" that is a result of unchecked hiring discrimination. millions of black men imprisoned under false pretenses and treated as chattel for a prison industrial complex, leading to a generation of fatherless children without the necessary guidance into responsible adulthood.

white america is evil personified. if you disagree, you're part of the problem.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
it is very true, and the lack of education in our community is related to what i'm speaking on. white america, in all corners of life, stands in the way of black mobility in this country. the embers of slavery still burn, the stench of that legacy filling the air we breathe in this diseased country. high "unemployment" that is a result of unchecked hiring discrimination. millions of black men imprisoned under false pretenses and treated as chattel for a prison industrial complex, leading to a generation of fatherless children without the necessary guidance into responsible adulthood.

white america is evil personified. if you disagree, you're part of the problem.

I'm not here to defend the white man, what I am saying is the reason we as black people have become subject to the actions of white people is because of lack of education

We will always be subject to the whims of other people until we take our education into our own hands