I'm not caring about him, and I'm not telling you to. I literally told you to hate him. I just understand his role is to make the younger talent look better and get better. I don't get all up in arms if they use him for what his purpose is. Nor do I get upset when a story line may not go the way I like it because what is the point? It's going to happen regardless and again if someone doesn't like they don't have to watch it. That's literally the only thing we can do as viewers. Crying and moaning about the outcome isn't going to change anything.
This is a discussion board. The whole purpose of the board is discuss things like hip-hop, life, sports and yes wrestling... and when we discuss things, we talk about things we liked and things we didn't like. That's not "crying" about something... unless I was a Drake stan or something still carrying on about Kendrick 2 months later... that's crying.
Anyway, I would like to see Trick feud with someone a little more interesting than an enhancement talent who has bounced around like a 12th man on an NBA team. That's all