Bron is not Brock size and ya'll gotta stop trying to book him.
He's got a lot of charisma, but, he's 6 foot. He's not the imposing figure say Gunther is. He was head to head with Melo at S&D last year.
I think he's a beast, but, I don't see the Brock stuff.
Brock's dominance was never that he was tall. It was that, comparative to his size, he was very strong and deceptively agile. What he could physically do sold him, the size just helped.
Brock was a NCAA freak of nature. That sold his booking.
Bron just look like a bully, who just so happened to have gotten to the NFL. That's like... automatic max level jock bully character in 80s wrestling

All the Steiners been 6 foot flat. And they bullied fukking
everybody. Legit
Cena is 6 foot. Didn't stop them from booking him like an unbeatable monster. Cena was strong as shyt. But on his best day, he was less athletic than Bron would be with a sprained ankle.
This is wrestling. Determining how to present him can overcome
everything. Especially when he's in good shape, but more than that he's legit strong for his size but he moves effortlessly.
You're thinking I'm saying have him chokeslam Omos or something. I'm not. But you telling me he couldn't physically bully someone like Cody? Like Rollins? He'd look intimidating against Punk.
Roman is even leaner than he was in the Shield days. This current generation of top guys in the company are not massive physical marvels, bruh. Drew's an aberration because of course he is. But these top guys aren't going to li'l bro a Steiner, homie. It just ain't happenin. Not even for play-play
I think Hunter knows that they could literally have Bron wearing main roster gold in a single PPV cycle and it'd be believable, but they just stashing it.
Mans is ready. That shyt blatant at this point