True, meaning you can pass hiv to women easliy.. but them passing it to you is a lot harder
true. But anal is anal
Type of Exposure Risk per 10,000
Blood Transfusion 9,250
Needle-sharing during injection drug use 63
Percutaneous (needle-stick) 23
Receptive anal intercourse 138
Insertive anal intercourse 11
Receptive penile-vaginal intercourse 8
Insertive penile-vaginal intercourse 4
Receptive oral intercourse low
Insertive oral intercourse low
Biting negligible4
Spitting negligible
Throwing body fluids (including semen or saliva) negligible
Sharing sex toys negligible
* Factors that may increase the risk of HIV transmission include sexually transmitted diseases, acute and late-stage HIV infection, and high viral load. Factors that may decrease the risk include condom use, male circumcision, antiretroviral treatment, and pre-exposure prophylaxis. None of these factors are accounted for in the estimates presented in the table.
And we losing our here black brothers. Bad.