Feud aside,no it is not.
Even when ranking Kendrick's work,it doesn't outrank Good Kid,TPAB or DAMN.
its not comparable. two different types of hiphop. gnx is very good. i have listened to every drake album once and thats it. ive listened to each kendrick album about 10 times each. honest opinion. gnx used old bay area sonics and opened it up for la so we gonna get some new la sounds hopefully cuz personally im not into the la sound being a bay area boy. cant take anything away from drake but its a new day and gnx is still on a roll
I’ll tell you this… I’ve definitely played it more than Views, More Life, or If You’re Reading This… and those are the only Drake albums I could stomach.Is it better than every album in Drakes discography
Just wait until the Coli Kendrick bots find this thread.
Talking about how critically acclaimed it is and post a bunch of tweets.they all gonna come in at the same time & quote eachother