No one in this thread said that, but you couldn't name me a professional wrestler that was ever a legit draw that was only over with the females in the crowd because they thought he was pretty.
This isn't R&B or the music industry.
You're not going to last long on the
main event scene if the only people rooting for you and buying your merchandise are the members in the audience that get wet when your music hits.
Vince wants him as
the guy.
They have to sell him to the hardcore fans who spend money.
They have to get him over with the kids who are going to ask mom and dad to buy his replica vest for Christmas.
That's a fact. Hot shotting him over guys like Ambrose who got over organically
(who coincidentally, also sold more merch on Thanksgiving that anyone not named CM Punk or Jon Cena IIRC)
is a recipe for disaster if they want him as
the guy long term.
Wrestling fans aren't Rhodes scholars, but they aren't that stupid. If that harsh reality drives females wrestling fans away, then see ya.