MNF ratiings are lower than they were. And football is a damn religion. Wrestling isn't on that level. And yall need to understand that WWE's boom period was just a period, did the NFL have a boom? Or has been a constant? Before and after the boom period in wrestling is what yall need to consider as normal. People really trying to take like 5 or 6 years and basing everything around that. Eventually things leveled off.Why haven’t MNF ratings not tanked at the same rate as RAW when they’re dealing with the same increasing competition?
Product is trash and people moved on, the hardcore fans remained and it’s now currently a niche product where you have grown ass me paying $800+to watch a free televised cable show because they’re such a mark for the product. All those idiots at the Manhattan Center chanting bullshyt are all going to watch the show tonight like the marks they are