I gotta watch the rest but I saw both Audition and Irreversible in the theater. That added so much to both experiences.
The former is dope because like the main character, we as the viewer is being lead thru a false sense of security throughout the film. I think I was in my late teens or so when I watched it, and that final act with the twist...that shyt stayed on my mind for awhile after it was over. On some ol’ “Man what the fu—

The latter...man the whole atheistic of the film, to watch it in the dark and immerse yourself completely in it...kinda wish I dropped it took something beforehand. “That” scene is realistically horrific, with the camera not cutting away from the action, and the lighting and setting adds to the dread. And to hit the beginning of it all, at the very end, with these characters not knowing what’s in store for them? Wow...