Niners game at 5, breaking bad at 6what to watch live brehs ?
watch the niner game live then flip to breaking bad at 6
u can catch the rest of the game on the DVR

Niners game at 5, breaking bad at 6what to watch live brehs ?
not really. camp ended officially so I think its regular schedule now and media isnt allowed for practicesSecond year in a row I've missed all training camp/preseason abroad.
Any reports on how dude we traded AJ Jenkins for looks in practice?
they had an injury scare with kaep on monday, and hes worn a non-contact jersey since. nd harbs promised to play 5 qbs this game as well....I think he barely plays today
really what type of injury scare? either way this offense cant go into the season rusty, they need to play the whole first half no matter what
the schedule is too rough the first 3 weeks to just slack off
Brooks almost leveled Kaep ever since then they've had Kaep wear a non contact jersey