North Korea vows nuclear attack on US, "Washington will be 'engulfed in sea of fire"


Looking for a rich woman to take care of me
May 1, 2012
Staten Island, NY
Millions of people die in North Korea every year from famine. That's how poor that country is. Their last trading partner was the SOVIET UNION before it collapsed in 1991. Attacking the United States would be tantamount to suicide.


All Star
Jul 26, 2012
So was I...ask anyone that knows anything in your unit bruh they will tell you osan will fall easy... Its crazy how much people underestimate NK forces. Let me break this down for you...

First off, they have spies all over south korea and they will destroy every airfield that we have as soon as it pops off. The south korean military knows this and has even made emergency landing zones out of highways. So once we send the airforce in from guam and japan where are they going to refuel/re weapon at?

Second they have underground tunnels large enough to send tanks through. So while we dominate the air what good is it when we cant bomb them.

They also have one of the largest special forces in the world and add 1.5 million soldiers all with a kamikaze mind state.

How many troops do we have in osan or the country for that matter? Mabe 30,000? They would get crushed. Osan is there to fall bruh. Only reason it exists is to slow them down until we.can serge more before they take over everything.

And while We would eventually win but do u think china would want us occupying land that close to them?

That's the whole issue really. Whether China agrees with N. Korea or not, and they've made it clear they don't, there is no way they would just stand by and let the US or S.Korea come in and take over NK after they get destroyed. That would be like us letting China or Russia take Mexico and just start building military bases there. It's why China got involved in the Korea War in the first place.

The US is more concerned about making sure shyt doesn't pop off so we don't have to worry about how China will react. They would never put up with the US sitting right there at their border. From their perspective, it's threatening and bad enough that we have a presence in the Yellow Sea through our alliances with Japan, Philippines, etc.... we moved more troops to northern Australia just because of China.

US would be :whoa: on China all over again, who were vastly under geared but drove us out of the North in the first place back in the 50s.