You can't answer the question
is Xbox popular in Asia yes or no?
I could bet you money that had this event taken place in America and an "anonymous dev" said that Sony is (Something negative) in regards to game development or support for something, you'd be keekeeing and cosigning it acting like it's true and anyone who doesn't believe it is just a stan.
Oh wait, you've done that already:
You posted a thread about an alleged
source claiming "bad tings gonna happen!", it turned out to be a nothing burger and then you started 'splaining about it.
Whereas here, the alleged claims were NOT denied by the company and and merely was quickly pushed away as "not like us" due to obvious business relations PR but of course numbskulls like you and gang lack nuance when talking about things. Had it been a complete fabrication, they would've said "We did not have any conversations about this at said event, this claim is an outright fabrication."
It's either black or white to you morons.