No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I found more information on the Italian UFO:

It's the 13th of June 1933 when a misterious flying craft crashes near Lake Maggiore in Northern Italy. The remains of the objects as well as its occupants were recovered by the military and brought to a SIAI-Marchetti warehouse near Varese and everything was secretated.

The object was described as having a cylindrical shape with a narrowing at the base and had an opening on the side emitting red and white lights. The 2 occupants were 1.80 m tall (5'11''ft), had blonde hair and clear eyes and were put in formaline to be preserved. First studies hinted at a German secret project but the technology seemed way too advanced and the extraterrestrial hypothesis was put forward.

The occupants were just under six feet tall with blond hair and assumed to be Germans. :unimpressed:

There's a sketch of it:


It looks like they're trying to render a manned rocket. Possibly with some sort of wings that sheared off in the crash (the additional objects under "B"). Now, who would possibly have been experimenting with manned rockets near northern Italy in the early 1930s?

During the 1920s and 1930s a number of approaches were tried. A variety of motorjet, turboprop, pulsejet and rocket powered aircraft were designed. Rocket-engine research was being carried out in Germany and the first aircraft to fly under rocket power was the Lippisch Ente, in 1928. The Ente had previously been flown as a glider. The next year, in 1929, the Opel RAK.1 became the first purpose-built rocket aircraft to fly.

The turbojet was invented in the 1930s, independently by Frank Whittle and later Hans von Ohain. The first turbojet aircraft to fly was the Heinkel He 178, on August 27, 1939 in Rostock (Germany), powered by von Ohain's design.[5][6] This was largely a proof of concept, as the problem of "creep" (metal fatigue caused by the high temperatures within the engine) had not been solved, and the engine quickly burned out. Von Ohain's design, an axial-flow engine, as opposed to Whittle's centrifugal flow engine, was eventually adopted by most manufacturers by the 1950s.[7][8]

The first flight of a jet-propelled aircraft to come to public attention was the Italian Caproni Campini N.1 motorjet prototype which flew on August 27, 1940.[9] It was the first jet aircraft recognised by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (at the time the German He 178 program was still kept secret). Campini began development of the motorjet in 1932; it differed from a true turbojet in that the air was driven through by a piston engine, instead of the exhaust gas, a much more complex solution.

So the Italians found an unusual aircraft with blond occupants, perhaps rocket-propelled or something like it, not far from the German border, at the same time that Germany had been experimenting with unusual rocket aircraft and things like it.


May 24, 2022
For some more added information in the thread.. This was a Public Substack article by a Michael Shellenberger who seems to have a good sized wiki on stuff.

He claims he was able to correbarate a lot of the information that this whistleblower stated in addition to other things he had learned, and gotten. I'll post some highlights in quotes.. Basically he is stating that he had anonymous sources tell him that we have 12+ "UFO" aircrafts in our possession

This is not the first time government officials have suggested that the U.S. may possess alien spaceships. “I was told for decades that Lockheed had some of these retrieved materials,” said the late Senator Harry Reid, who fought for greater disclosure. “And I tried to get, as I recall, a classified approval by the Pentagon to have me go look at the stuff. They would not approve that.”

Former deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Christopher Mellon, recently reported that he has spoken to more than four witnesses who say they know of “a secret U.S. government program involving the analysis and exploitation of materials recovered from off-world craft… Some have supplied information to the intelligence community’s inspector general, others directly to the staff of the congressional oversight committees.”

And now, multiple sources close to the matter have come forward to tell Public that Grusch’s core claims are accurate. The individuals are all either high-ranking intelligence officials, former intelligence officials, or individuals who we could verify were involved in U.S. government UAP efforts for three or more decades each. Two of them have testified, including as recently as last year, to both AARO and Congress.

The individuals said they had seen or been presented with “credible” and “verifiable” evidence that the U.S. government, and U.S. military contractors, possess at least 12 or more alien space crafts, some of which they shared with AARO, which AARO has refused to provide to Congress. The reason AARO “has not discovered any verifiable information,” they said, is because it does have the authority to verify it and may not want to verify it.

“In his testimony to Congress, Kirkpatrick said that AARO is operating under Title 10 authority, but most intelligence agencies operate under a higher, Title 50 Authority,” explained a source “The intelligence community with Title 50, feels free to stonewall AARO with Title 10 because they view Title 10 authority as inferior to Title 50.”

The sources all expressed anger and frustration at the Pentagon’s denial of the existence of nonhuman craft and materials. “The denials coming out of Susan Gough and the Pentagon are specifically chosen to use AARO as the source of information when Grusch has already addressed that AARO didn’t have access. And so, of course, they didn’t discover anything.”

Said another individual, “The AARO response is typical because they are not doing any investigation of the testimony they’ve been given. Kirkpatrick has not been reporting properly to the congressional committees.”

Indeed, Grusch took a whistleblower complaint to the ICIG precisely because, he says, the military and intelligence community was withholding information from AARO and from Congress. It was only after becoming a whistleblower that Congress invited Grusch to give closed-door testimony in a secure information facility.

Some of the same sources who shared information with Grusch, as well as others, spoke to Public about retrieved spacecraft that they say is in the possession of the U.S. government. “I know of at least 12-15 craft,” said one person, who said they shared the information with AARO and Congress. “Every five years, we get one or two recovered for one reason or another, from either a landing or that we catch, or they just crash.”

A different contractor said, “There were at least four morphologies, different structures. Six were in good shape; six were not in good shape. There were cases where the craft landed, and the occupants left the craft unoccupied. There have been high-level people, including generals, who have placed their hand on the craft, and I would have no reason to disbelieve them.”

One source described having seen three kinds of craft, including one shaped like a triangle and another that “looked like a chopped up helicopter, with the front bubble of a Huey helicopter, with the plastic windows, or more like a deep sea submarine, with a thick piece of glass bubble shaped, and where the tail rudder should have been, it was a black, egg-shaped pancake, and instead of landing gear it had upside-down rams horns that went from the top to the bottom and rested on the ends of the horns.”

The sources said they felt compelled to speak out publicly to validate Grusch’s claims but did not want their names used. “We have non-disclosure agreements or secrecy agreements that we are supposed to take to the grave,” said one person. Two of the three sources declined to answer certain questions, even off the record, out of concern for their safety and continued access to information.

“I briefed the Senate intelligence committee, the Senate Armed Services Committee, and ARRO, and so that information is out there,” the person said. “What Grusch did was the first giant step to get the information out.”

The sources said that the Pentagon and military contractors keep the nonhuman spacecraft in different locations, including Area 51 in Nevada, and that they move the craft around to different facilities, both military bases and contractor facilities, for research.

The sources differed on whether the U.S. was able to operate them. “As far as I know, we are not able to operate them,” said one person, who said they were last briefed on the crashed craft five years ago. “There are people who say we have reverse-engineered them and are flying them. I never found any support for that. And found a lot of support for saying we can’t figure it out. If we do, it would be in some program at a higher security level.”

Others said that the U.S. has been able to fly at least one of the retrieved craft. “Some of the tech is very cutting-edge,” said a source, “and they have to travel to places like Italy, Belgium, and Indonesia to do flight testing. It’s worldwide. Some of our allies know about the programs. The clandestine places that they work out of have grown larger.”

The sources said they suspected that the Chinese and Russians had also retrieved craft, but they did not know for certain.

All of the individuals pointed to secrecy as an obstacle to reverse engineering the craft. One military contractor said that, in December 2010, a major aerospace corporation tried to work around the secrecy by creating a buffer organization to prevent scientists and engineers who lacked top-secret clearance from learning where the tech they worked on came from. But the military sharply rejected the proposal.

One source estimated there were only between 100 and 700 individuals in government or working for government contractors who know about the retrieved crash, while another person estimated that even fewer knew about the full program to reverse engineer alien technology. “Maybe on our side, there were three people total,” said the contractor whose proposal to cut through the stovepipe was rejected. “There were 4 or 5 people who I knew of on the aerospace corporation side.”
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
For some more added information in the thread.. This was a Public Substack article by a Michael Shellenberger who seems to have a good sized wiki on stuff.

He claims he was able to correbarate a lot of the information that this whistleblower stated in addition to other things he had learned, and gotten

I knew the name was familiar, guy is a hack. Anti-environmentalist under the guise of environmentalism, anti-progressive under the guise of liberalism, pretends to be all about free speech but has a hard-on for helping Elon Musk, complains about "wokism" and "Biden's laptop" all the time and is always shytting on black people.

Pushing the UFO stuff is just more of his "twitter files!", "hunter's laptop!", "Biden is corrupt!", "defund the FBI", "free markets!", "free speech!" anti-government nonsense. There is zero chance this guy is a useful source of information.


May 24, 2022
I knew the name was familiar, guy is a hack. Anti-environmentalist under the guise of environmentalism, anti-progressive under the guise of liberalism, pretends to be all about free speech but has a hard-on for helping Elon Musk, complains about "wokism" and "Biden's laptop" all the time and is always shytting on black people.

Pushing the UFO stuff is just more of his "twitter files!", "hunter's laptop!", "Biden is corrupt!", "defund the FBI", "free markets!", "free speech!" anti-government nonsense. There is zero chance this guy is a useful source of information.
Guy does sound like a piece of chit on his shytting on black people stuff which I didn't know about. However I'm not gonna wholly dismiss him and his sources, as he obviously seems to have done some things to garner "friends in high places" based on some of his wiki chit

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Guy does sound like a piece of chit on his shytting on black people stuff which I didn't know about. However I'm not gonna wholly dismiss him and his sources, as he obviously seems to have done some things to garner "friends in high places" based on some of his wiki chit

I don't doubt the sources, I doubt the vetting. His whole career is a series of contrarian agendas where he develops a narrative and runs with it even while everyone in the actual field he's dealing with tells him he's off-base. He's the exact guy I would go to if people with critical logic weren't taking me seriously and I just needed him to push whatever I was telling him.

Edit: I should add that I was really glad when I found out it was him doing it. Hopefully the truth will all get out fairly soon and he'll look like a discredited dumbass, which will make his authority on other stances look questionable too. Someone actually from the crash retrival program needs to come clean with what they do sooner rather than later. Worst case scenario from my perspective is if they just keep stalling in the name of national security and let the rumors fester, but that's the sort of thing governments do.
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Nov 12, 2014

The way she talks about the GPS systems on F-15s being basically what we have in our current cars, on a jet that was released in the 70's shows you how the tech advancements we see now were actually in use for a long time before we see them.

when did GPS become available to cars? early 80's i think.

Now that we see drones, you best believe they've been working on those for decades. A lot of those crashes were tests.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Like I said before, people are more worried about his credibility it seems. Dude just talked to congress for 11 hours under it’s whistleblower program. His credentials are valid and despite being “young” he jumped in when the intelligence game started picking up… Became an officer (in the AF) and basically started his career in intel, which is literally nothing but collecting and analyzing data.

Buddy advances in 14 years which is normal for an officer, and is put in charge of another task force. AARO literally just began recently… ofcourse he had higher clearances and access than them. TS doesn’t stop at TS and then it’s compartmentalization based off need to know. You can have the same clearance but if you don’t need to know then you won’t know.

Basically, everything he’s saying he’s free to do so by the DoD most likely because they were going to HAVE to declassify some shyt soon.. there are rules. Checks and balances.

Regardless, idk what to make of it and what to say. What I do know is that pressure is on recently. If everyone wants to believe it’s the russians, chinese, germans that were/are making that much more sophisticated equipment that are being recovered then fine. Eventually we will see.

And you think the other 200 countries want to just release shyt that would probably disrupt religion, finances, and their own government? Who says they’re not sharing info either, like how italy supposedly stored the ship in the US, or how NASA and Russia are still in business when it comes to space?

Why was a Space Force was magically created out of thin air, or why they changed it from UFO to UAP, or why the navy released those pilot videos, etc.

I figure we’ll all find out sooner or later.. or maybe even never in our lifetimes. Maybe it’s nothing or maybe we’re being eased into something else.

So far, he hasn’t really said shyt except there’s shyt that congress and the public needs to know.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
And you think the other 200 countries want to just release shyt that would probably disrupt religion, finances, and their own government? Who says they’re not sharing info either, like how italy supposedly stored the ship in the US, or how NASA and Russia are still in business when it comes to space?

Why would it even have to be the government? Why don't random ranchers facebook live this shyt when it's found? Why don't they land in cartel territory? Why don't they land in Somalia? How does everyone who finds this stuff even know TO hide it? All we'd need is ONE person to find a craft with bodies and not keep the secret...yet somehow the entire planet across all nations is maintaining perfect operational security for 80 years?

And what would sharing the information "disrupt"? Millions of people believe this guy and yet life continues as usual. Literally nothing will change in the regular world if people "know" it's happening, compared to what should have already changed from their existence and constant interactions yet clearly did not.

Why was a Space Force was magically created out of thin air

Because our national sovereignity has become completely dependent on satillites and protecting them from hostile nations is a matter of national security.

Do you seriously think it's to protect the planet from aliens?

, or why they changed it from UFO to UAP,

Because everyone associates UFO with aliens, and these are unidentified drones, not aliens. In other words, for the exact opposite reason you're trying to imply

or why the navy released those pilot videos, etc.

Because they had already been leaked three years earlier and widely disseminated, so it made more sense to declassify them and let the conversation be mainstream rather than exclusively among UFO buffs and conspiracy theorists.

I figure we’ll all find out sooner or later.. or maybe even never in our lifetimes.

You're not going to be shown an alien's body. You're not going to be shown an unambiguously alien craft. They will either admit they are running a craft recovery program that picks up planes and drone of unknown origin, with all the pilots human and all the technology either known or close enough to current capabilities that one of our enemies probably made it.....or they'll just keep it all classified and keep everyone wondering.

Either way, the "disclosure" people are going to be disappointed.

And no matter what happens I win, cause either I'm right or it's a childhood dream come true. This is like when your favorite sports team sucks and you keep telling your friends they have no chance to win this year. :pachaha: