No thread on the outing of our alien brehs?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Nope anunaki gang we up. Just about anything can be debunked/believed ultimately you choose what to believe in until you learn the truth/facts.
Well, here's where you can find the truth about the Annunaki.....from the Sumerian authors, themselves......

Sumerian is the first language for which we have written evidence and its literature the earliest known. The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE.

The corpus contains Sumerian texts in transliteration, English prose translations and bibliographical information for each composition. The transliterations and the translations can be searched, browsed and read online using the tools of the website.

Funding for the ETCSL project came to an end in the summer of 2006 and no work is currently being done to this site or its contents.​


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I’m gonna say, though, this is kinda funny to me because I met this Asian chick ~3 weeks ago who claimed to be clairvoyant and said that aliens are real, the reveal is coming soon, black ppl used to be the ones in control but were cursed, but all will be revealed soon etc.

Thought this chick was out of her mind (probably was), but then this alien shyt rolls out 3 weeks later :bryan: :bryan:
I actually had a thought earlier that black people must’ve dominated earth at one point but there was a shift..

Almost like, it wasn’t always like this at some point in time. Considering that we’re almost universally hated or demeaned… and the state that the culture is now, the raping and corruption of africa, how shytty the world is in general, etc.

But I don’t think beings view us in colors like we view it in the primitive way we think

Link to your friends twitter btw

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I did read it. You’re just posting shyt at this point. This proves nothing. This is another man’s detailed speculation who shares the same skepticism as you.

I honestly don’t even feel like going point by point with you.

But basically, it’s like you’re expecting children to speak uniformly like some type of AI about what they witness. As though we aren’t all different and process and express things differently.

The issue isn't that the accounts differ, the issue is that the accounts changed.

I agree that eyewitness accounts are ridiculously unreliable and often differ tremendously. That's a good reason why y'all shouldn't put so much faith in them. But the issue is much worse than that here.

In the initial statements, many of the kids describe long-haired black men (or in some cases, men of different races), with either no craft around or an oblong metal object glinting in the sun. Many of the kids describe one of the men standing on top of the object. There is usually just one UFO if any, and there is zero communication or message. Most kids at the school didn't see anything at all, and no adults saw it.

In the refined statements months later, after leading interviews with two UFO enthusiasts, suddenly most of the kids are seeing multiple traditional flying saucers and little gray men. The statements are far more detailed and far closer to traditional UFO stories. Suddenly there is a telepathic message from the aliens (something none of the kids mentioned for the first two months), that just happens to match the environmental activism of the 2nd UFO expert who interviewed them.

All of the claims that made the sightings "special" - that the kids had never been exposed to UFOs, that the kids all agreed, that their stories matched, that they recieved this amazing telepathic message - turned out to be FALSE claims created after the fact by the UFO enthusiasts. In reality, they were well-off kids who talked about UFOs regularly in a specific atmosphere of local UFO hysteria, who had made up another very different UFO sighting just one day earlier, and whose initial stories varied widely and sound far more like some guys hanging out on a van in the grass a long-ass ways away.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Ok. Never heard of Mick West. Will definitely check into it.

This is one of those rare instances where NOBODY that wasn’t there can tell ANYBODY else what to think about it. There’s not an authority that exists that can get me to believe 62 children made up the same story and stuck with it through adulthood.

But 62 children didn't make up the same story. Only 30 names are attached to interviews, and most of those kids describe long-haired black guys, not gray aliens. Many of them didn't see a craft at all and the ones that did vary wildly about what the craft looked like, with some describing something very close to a metal van. 62 kids drew pictures but some of those appear likely to just be copied off of each other, and the ones that aren't often look nothing alike. That's not even counting the 200 or so kids who saw nothing at all.

It's not surprising that they stuck with it because for months afterwards they were interrogated in groups by prominant UFO enthusiasts who gassed up the story and encouraged them to embellish it. It's like the police witness who says in their initial interview that they couldn't ID the suspect, then at the trial a year later is suddenly 100% sure who it is. Those kids were together for months repeating the story to each other, they were interviewed for the news, they were interviewed for all sorts of UFO documentaries, of course they had reason to solidify the story more and more in their minds even if it has little to do with their initial statements. That's the power of suggestion.

I highly recommend you read these accounts by a PhD cognitive psychologist, who explains why all the protocols for accurate witness testimony had been disregarded, which invariably results in the interviewer creating the story they want to hear, rather than the story that happened:

(note that he suggests the craft could have been a helicopter. I agree that certain helicopters match the description well, but since vans are far more common than helicopters and the vast majority of kids didn't initially report the object flying, plus many saw someone standing on top of the object, I lean towards a van. Long-haired guys fit better with a van too. However, a helicopter does match some of the drawings/descriptions, and at 700+ feet away who knows what the kids saw.)

And it was all about a message of peace and good stewardship for this earth. Matter of fact fukk ANYBODY who disagrees.

How would you feel if you found out that the "message of peace and good stewardship of the Earth" wasn't mentioned by a single kid in any of the original statements or interviews? Would you consider thinking differently if you found out that this message didn't appear until 2.5 months later, when an American environmental activist and UFO enthusiast interviewed the kids and planted that message?
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We should all strive to be like Mr. Rogers.
Apr 30, 2012
If an alien can come here he would be able to bend time and space. They wouldn't need to make a fukking deal and our tech would be way better than this garbage. Mother fukkers can't even make shyt without oil.


All Star
Feb 21, 2017
South Ful Co.
But 62 children didn't make up the same story. Only 30 names are attached to interviews, and most of those kids describe long-haired black guys, not gray aliens. Many of them didn't see a craft at all and the ones that did vary wildly about what the craft looked like, with some describing something very close to a metal van. 62 kids drew pictures but some of those appear likely to just be copied off of each other, and the ones that aren't often look nothing alike. That's not even counting the 200 or so kids who saw nothing at all.

It's not surprising that they stuck with it because for months afterwards they were interrogated in groups by prominant UFO enthusiasts who gassed up the story and encouraged them to embellish it. It's like the police witness who says in their initial interview that they couldn't ID the suspect, then at the trial a year later is suddenly 100% sure who it is. Those kids were together for months repeating the story to each other, they were interviewed for the news, they were interviewed for all sorts of UFO documentaries, of course they had reason to solidify the story more and more in their minds even if it has little to do with their initial statements. That's the power of suggestion.

I highly recommend you read these accounts by a PhD cognitive psychologist, who explains why all the protocols for accurate witness testimony had been disregarded, which invariably results in the interviewer creating the story they want to hear, rather than the story that happened:

(note that he suggests the craft could have been a helicopter. I agree that certain helicopters match the description well, but since vans are far more common than helicopters and the vast majority of kids didn't initially report the object flying, plus many saw someone standing on top of the object, I lean towards a van. Long-haired guys fit better with a van too. However, a helicopter does match some of the drawings/descriptions, and at 700+ feet away who knows what the kids saw.)

How would you feel if you found out that the "message of peace and good stewardship of the Earth" wasn't mentioned by a single kid in any of the original statements or interviews? Would you consider thinking differently if you found out that this message didn't appear until 2.5 months later, when an American environmental activist and UFO enthusiast interviewed the kids and planted that message?
I’m gonna look into what you’re saying when I get chance

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether

So to be clear, the complaint appears to say:

1) Grusch feels the UAP program has withheld classified information from Congress, but does not specify that classified information being anything groundbreaking

2) Grusch feels that his own clearances became more difficult to obtain once he started complaining about information being withheld

Both of those accusations sound quite plausible, and also rather tame tbh.


May 24, 2022
So to be clear, the complaint appears to say:

1) Grusch feels the UAP program has withheld classified information from Congress, but does not specify that classified information being anything groundbreaking

2) Grusch feels that his own clearances became more difficult to obtain once he started complaining about information being withheld

Both of those accusations sound quite plausible, and also rather tame tbh.
This is the "Unclassified" version of the complaint. The classified version with classified information that was gathered was given up the chain to head of the DNI like has been reported apparently.

According to Corbell, Knapp and Ross Coultart hinting at it after the Special.. the former IC IG lawyer is leaving the law firm and representing David Grusch personally.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
This is the "Unclassified" version of the complaint. The classified version with classified information that was gathered was given up the chain to head of the DNI like has been reported apparently.

According to Corbell, Knapp and Ross Coultart hinting at it after the Special.. the former IC IG lawyer is leaving the law firm and representing David Grusch personally.
It’s like people expect him to drop shyt to the American people that hasn’t been declassified

That’s literally the exact opposite of what this program is about.


May 24, 2022
Yeah I watched the Knapp thing last night

They explained the lawyer thing. Basically, the law firm represents active duty whistleblower with clearances… Grusch is no longer active duty

So his lawyer is breaking away from the firm to continue to represent him.
Mick West got kind of embarrassed in that clip I saw after the special where Ross and the host basically told him he's wrong when he tried to bring this up.

As a neutral person on this subject who just finds it interesting, Mick West is really unbearable on this story. He's as bad as the UFO nuts who think everything is a UFO, just on the opposite side


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Mick West got kind of embarrassed in that clip I saw after the special where Ross and the host basically told him he's wrong when he tried to bring this up.

As a neutral person on this subject who just finds it interesting, Mick West is really unbearable on this story. He's as bad as the UFO nuts who think everything is a UFO, just on the opposite side
Most of these dudes are unbearable
Still no evidence, eh?​
It seems like you’re mistaken on what this is all about

You should probably head on out the thread breh.