No thread on Syria's chemical/gas attack massacre...


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
All of these former Obama employees running around on every talk show on TV pushing the Admin's message in the most dikkish manner possible is just sickening. You could put clips of them right next to the Bush neo-con clowns from the early 2000s and it would all sound exactly the same.

......... :wow: ...........................


May 1, 2012
You guys know obama won if syria gave up it's stockpile right? If the US didn't threaten and go on it's world tour to build support for an attack, they wouldn't give up shyt. Saying shyt like obama is embarrasing on the world stage is fukking ridiculous and obama hate nonsense. People should be ashamed of themselves.


May 22, 2012
Obama has a history of smart moves? When was this?

He's actually made a lot of smart behind-the-scenes moves during his tenure, negotiating small loses in order to gain moderate-to-big wins (the best wins possible with an obstructionist Congress, anyway). Most were early on, and a casual observer probably wouldn't notice, but I'm a poli. sci. major, plus I'm just genuinely and deeply interested in politics. Also, I'm not sure that some people judging his performance aren't a bit disillusioned with how politics work in general. I can recommend a couple of books that detail some of Obama's successes if you're interested. He's made a lot of mistakes too, and he's not "god" like some of his supporters seem to believe (or at least they use to), but he's also the best POTUS most of us have had in our lifetimes. According to one's perspective, that might not be saying much, though.
Jun 24, 2012
He's actually made a lot of smart behind-the-scenes moves during his tenure, negotiating small loses in order to gain moderate-to-big wins (the best wins possible with an obstructionist Congress, anyway). Most were early on, and a casual observer probably wouldn't notice, but I'm a poli. sci. major, plus I'm just genuinely and deeply interested in politics. Also, I'm not sure that some people judging his performance aren't a bit disillusioned with how politics work in general. I can recommend a couple of books that detail some of Obama's successes if you're interested. He's made a lot of mistakes too, and he's not "god" like some of his supporters seem to believe (or at least they use to), but he's also the best POTUS most of us have had in our lifetimes. According to one's perspective, that might not be saying much, though.

Don't need the books...need to know what he has done smart in his presidency.


May 22, 2012
Don't need the books...need to know what he has done smart in his presidency.

So, you'd rather be lazy and have me paraphrase instead of reading the actual references I could provide? What incentive is there for me to actually spend the time to research (for accuracy) and compile a list for you to look over just because you have a different opinion and don't want to spend the time researching yourself? First of all, I'm sure you wouldn't be satisfied with an anecdotal example, and to compile a list would take entirely too much time and explanation; hence, why there are books that evaluate that topic. One policy battle bleeds into the next, and small negotiating details can't be overlooked, so it's kind of difficult to summarize. It seems you're looking for surface answers though, and in that vain, I would just point to things like Obamacare, not defending DOMA, taking executive order to push through parts of the Dream Act, continuing to push for section 5 of the Civil Rights Act to be enforced or a new formula from section 4 to be enacted, and advising the DOJ not to enforce minimum drug sentencing or federal marijuana laws in legal states. But I wasn't speaking of surface moves anyway. As I said, most of his best moves were behind-the-scenes.
Jun 24, 2012
So, you'd rather be lazy and have me paraphrase instead of reading the actual references I could provide? What incentive is there for me to actually spend the time to research (for accuracy) and compile a list for you to look over just because you have a different opinion and don't want to spend the time researching yourself? First of all, I'm sure you wouldn't be satisfied with an anecdotal example, and to compile a list would take entirely too much time and explanation; hence, why there are books that evaluate that topic. One policy battle bleeds into the next, and small negotiating details can't be overlooked, so it's kind of difficult to summarize. It seems you're looking for surface answers though, and in that vain, I would just point to things like Obamacare, not defending DOMA, taking executive order to push through parts of the Dream Act, continuing to push for section 5 of the Civil Rights Act to be enforced or a new formula from section 4 to be enacted, and advising the DOJ not to enforce minimum drug sentencing or federal marijuana laws in legal states. But I wasn't speaking of surface moves anyway. As I said, most of his best moves were behind-the-scenes.

Yes, no disrespect but there are many other subjects I'm responding to.

1. Obamacare was the same as Romneycare...a republican bill written in the 90's that benefits the insurance and drug companies than the people. Not smart.
2. The Dream Act is just that, he has deported more "dreamers" than any president and continues to do so...breaking up families and people's ability to support their families. Not smart.
3. The minimum drug sentencing is cool but let's see it in action.
4. His best-moves are behind the scenes...then we don't know if they are good at all if you never see them?


May 22, 2012
Yes, no disrespect but there are many other subjects I'm responding to.

1. Obamacare was the same as Romneycare...a republican bill written in the 90's that benefits the insurance and drug companies than the people. Not smart.
2. The Dream Act is just that, he has deported more "dreamers" than any president and continues to do so...breaking up families and people's ability to support their families. Not smart.
3. The minimum drug sentencing is cool but let's see it in action.
4. His best-moves are behind the scenes...then we don't know if they are good at all if you never see them?

Responding to different subjects doesn't stop one from reading a book, or books, in their leisure...

1. Obama had to settle for what would actually pass. I'm not a full supporter of Obamacare, as I don't think it's liberal enough, but do you think a single-payer system had a chance in hell - even in a liberal Congress headed for election season? It's a move in the right direction. It's smart because instead of trying to force through a big, losing policy, he took what he could get, knowing our healthcare system needed some kind of move in the right direction right now; major progress is gradual in America by design. A small step towards progress is better than nothing. Compromise is not always bad.
2. He has deported a lot of people, that's true. But it's still smart politically (pushing for the Dream Act in Congress, executing executive orders related to it once it failed, and pushing for comprehensive immigration reform). First of all, no regular citizen knows the circumstances behind the deportations (not that I believe this, but he could easily claim they were all criminally convicted... This would seem to show good nationalist support, plus a tough demeanor on crime), and second, your average citizen doesn't even know he's deported more in his first five years than Bush did in his full tenure. However, I admit this isn't "good," just smart.
3. I agree.
4. Um... I've offered twice now to recommend you some books that would illuminate some of those things. As I said, when one policy battle bleeds into the other, it takes an in-depth analysis to understand how each variable interacts with the others. Obama has made a lot of smart moves that are designed to seem as if he's granting an opening to Republicans, only to have them step into that opening while he makes a move that no one is paying attention to. Remember, he has to be discreet enough to trick law-makers... Do you really think most average citizens are going to recognize his behind-the-scenes moves from a surface observation? That's kind of the whole reason people close to campaigns and presidents during their tenure write books discussing policy battles in-depth; they sell because people can't get that type of information anywhere else.
Last edited:
Jun 24, 2012
Responding to different subjects doesn't stop one from reading a book or books in their leisure...

1. Obama had to settle for what would actually pass. I'm not a full supporter of Obamacare, as I don't think it's liberal enough, but do you think a single-payer system had a chance in hell - even in a liberal Congress headed for election season? It's a move in the right direction. It's smart because instead of trying to force through a big, losing policy, he took what he could get, knowing our healthcare system needed some kind of move in the right direction right now; major progress is gradual in America by design. A small step towards progress is better than nothing. Compromise is not always bad.

2. He has deported a lot of people, that's true. But it's still smart politically (pushing for the Dream Act in Congress, executing executive orders related to it once it failed, and pushing for comprehensive immigration reform). First of all, no regular citizen knows the circumstances behind the deportations (not that I believe this, but he could easily claim they were all criminally convicted... This would seem to show good nationalist support, plus a tough demeanor on crime), and second, your average citizen doesn't even know he's deported more in his first five years than Bush did in his full tenure. However, I admit this isn't "good," just smart.
3. I agree.
4. Um... I've offered twice now to recommend you some books that would illuminate some of those things. As I said, when one policy battle bleeds into the other, it takes an in-depth analysis to understand how each variable interacts with the others. Obama has made a lot of smart moves that are designed to seem as if he's granting an opening to Republicans, only to have them step into that opening while he makes a move that no one is paying attention to. Remember, he has to be discreet enough to trick law-makers... Do you really think most average citizens are going to recognize his behind-the-scenes moves from a surface observation? That's kind of the whole reason people close to campaigns and presidents during their tenure write books discussing policy battles in-depth; they sell because people can't get that type of information anywhere else.

1. Compromising the choice for the American People is the problem. Universal Healthcare could have been the best thing for us. Instead people are forced to have healthcare even when they can't afford it. Now people will be penalized for not being able to afford healthcare because it will be penalties for not paying it.

2. The cop out is that they were all criminals but families actual ones who pay taxes and obey the rules still get punished. Smart move is a good move...apparently this isn't one of them.

3. How are the books updated to his presidency?


May 22, 2012
Hmm... Syria apparently tentatively accepted the call for them to hand their chemical weapons over to international control. They didn't offer a time frame or any specifics, though, so take it with a grain of salt. Let's hope they follow through, though. The international spotlight would definitely be on us if we decided to go in after they make a move like that.


May 3, 2012
In the Silver Lining
I know folks seem to be waking up but still......................................this should tell you alot about us Americans still as a whole ....................................... maybe :snoop:
  • Today at 8:10 AM
Final Tally: Americans Were 12 Times More Interested in Miley Cyrus Than Syria
That Miley Cyrus captures more attention than escalating war in Syria is, by now, conventional wisdom. But an exhaustive survey of news sources now reveals exactly how much attention Miley steals: Americans viewed twelve times as many pages about Miley Cyrus as they did about Syria — even though the news sources published 2.4 Syria articles for every one about Miley.
Outbrain supplies "related links" modules to a network of 100,000 publishers, including major news sources like CNN, Fox News, and ESPN. On any given day, 87 percent of Americans who browse the web will view a page with an Outbrain module, explains the company's vice-president of global marketing. They collect traffic data from every site in their network, which they use in a variety of algorithms to generate recommendations.

In the three days surrounding Miley's VMA performance and the Obama administration signaling its willingness to bomb Syria, Outbrain's network generated 8,104 stories about the former and 19,568 about the latter. The day after the VMAs, Miley Cyrus stories accounted for 12 percent of total U.S. page views, while Syria stories accounted for 1 percent. :wow:
Interest in the starlet significantly outpaced Syria in England, Australia, France, Germany, and every other nation in Outbrain's analysis — except Israel and Russia. Globally, Miley Cyrus stories generated eight times as many page views as Syria did in the days surrounding the VMAs.

Two million Syrian refugees have fled the nation. To make the country twelve times more compelling — and thus as compelling as Miley Cyrus's ass is to Americans — the conflict only needs to displace 22 million more, i.e., the entire population of Syria.
The day after the VMAs, joking about the Miley-Syria attention gap was popular online, too. The Onion told Slate's Farhad Manjoo that its best traffic day to date coincided with a widely shared parody attributed to a CNN manager, entitled "Let Me Explain Why Miley Cyrus' VMA Performance Was Our Top Story This Morning." Laughing at those who read about Miley Cyrus is America's second-favorite pastime, right after reading about Miley Cyrus.


May 22, 2012
1. Compromising the choice for the American People is the problem. Universal Healthcare could have been the best thing for us. Instead people are forced to have healthcare even when they can't afford it. Now people will be penalized for not being able to afford healthcare because it will be penalties for not paying it.

2. The cop out is that they were all criminals but families actual ones who pay taxes and obey the rules still get punished. Smart move is a good move...apparently this isn't one of them.

3. How are the books updated to his presidency?

1. You're just incorrect on this one. I understand you may not like Obamacare, but it was necessary. It was a compromise to push a small progressive step forward. Would you rather have our old system back? The choice was never between Obamacare and universal healthcare; it was always going to come down to either our old system or Obamacare. As I said, it's a smart move to give up aspirations for a huge policy that has no chance of passing in order to take a smaller, progressive win in hopes of more future progress. If the Clintons hadn't made the opposite mistake, we would have had a reformed healthcare system back in the '90s, and possibly an actual universal package today. We just disagree.
2. Ehh, no. Something can be smart and shrewd. A smart political move isn't necessarily equivalent to a "good" move in general. In regards to families, are you against any type of punishment for criminal conduct? If not, then what's the difference in a family grieving over having a criminal relative deported and having one locked up on 3 life sentences? Also, since when do illegal immigrants pay taxes? (I assume you're not just speaking of sales tax.)
3. Um... You do realize a lot of books have been written entirely about Obama's election and tenure so far, right? What books are you talking about being "updated?"
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May 1, 2012
All of these former Obama employees running around on every talk show on TV pushing the Admin's message in the most dikkish manner possible is just sickening. You could put clips of them right next to the Bush neo-con clowns from the early 2000s and it would all sound exactly the same.

yeah, if the appearances by obama's former "employees" were taken out of context and conflated with the particulars of bush's run up to iraq and afghanistan. youd be right! :what:

NYT had a great editorial on sunday that outlined the intellectual dishonesty of anyone trying to paint obama's prosecution of a syrian intervention as evidence of warmongering. obama's opposition to bush's wars and his pursuit of a militaristic response to syria's use of chemical weapons are not mutually exclusive, no matter how many times brain dead flunkies like you contend they are. he is obligated to marshal a coalition of support to address syria's abuse of international statute, violations that pose a threat to our national security. it is part of his job as president. the ones who are undermining the execution of his duties are:

a) russia
b) china
c)presumably the republican party, assuming they vote against intervention
d)gutless democrats

political posturing is interfering with what is a wholly justifiable reaction to the acts committed by syria. i have problems with how he's handled his second term, but obama isn't at fault in this scenario.


Jul 17, 2013
You guys know obama won if syria gave up it's stockpile right? If the US didn't threaten and go on it's world tour to build support for an attack, they wouldn't give up shyt. Saying shyt like obama is embarrasing on the world stage is fukking ridiculous and obama hate nonsense. People should be ashamed of themselves.
you're right. barack the master gawd thought of this whole thing that if he used chemical weapons on innocent civilians it would force the syrian govt to give up their sh1t..