Responding to different subjects doesn't stop one from reading a book or books in their leisure...
1. Obama had to settle for what would actually pass. I'm not a full supporter of Obamacare, as I don't think it's liberal enough, but do you think a single-payer system had a chance in hell - even in a liberal Congress headed for election season? It's a move in the right direction. It's smart because instead of trying to force through a big, losing policy, he took what he could get, knowing our healthcare system needed some kind of move in the right direction right now; major progress is gradual in America by design. A small step towards progress is better than nothing. Compromise is not always bad.
2. He has deported a lot of people, that's true. But it's still smart politically (pushing for the Dream Act in Congress, executing executive orders related to it once it failed, and pushing for comprehensive immigration reform). First of all, no regular citizen knows the circumstances behind the deportations (not that I believe this, but he could easily claim they were all criminally convicted... This would seem to show good nationalist support, plus a tough demeanor on crime), and second, your average citizen doesn't even know he's deported more in his first five years than Bush did in his full tenure. However, I admit this isn't "good," just smart.
3. I agree.
4. Um... I've offered twice now to recommend you some books that would illuminate some of those things. As I said, when one policy battle bleeds into the other, it takes an in-depth analysis to understand how each variable interacts with the others. Obama has made a lot of smart moves that are designed to seem as if he's granting an opening to Republicans, only to have them step into that opening while he makes a move that no one is paying attention to. Remember, he has to be discreet enough to trick law-makers... Do you really think most average citizens are going to recognize his behind-the-scenes moves from a surface observation? That's kind of the whole reason people close to campaigns and presidents during their tenure write books discussing policy battles in-depth; they sell because people can't get that type of information anywhere else.