No thread on Syria's chemical/gas attack massacre...


Jul 17, 2013
i just got back from taking a sh1t... :whew::whoo:

i had the sub on and everything.:banderas:
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May 29, 2012
Allah protect Assad from the western devils who are at the mercy of their Zionist puppet masters


Jul 17, 2013
Allah protect Assad from the western devils who are at the mercy of their Zionist puppet masters
allah doesn't exist so he definitely will not be protecting you. this sh1t was all planned many years ago and even now that the cats out the bag it's [probably] too late...

night night nicca.
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May 29, 2012
allah doesn't exist so he definitely will not be protecting you. this sh1t was all planned many years ago and even now that the cats out the bag [probably] it's too late...

night night nicca.

Fine by me, I am only concerned about Assad


Jul 17, 2013

As with the extermination of American Indians, Israel's foundation involved inexcusable deeds. My point is that most Jews believe the lies they are taught and propagate them. Arabs accusations were dismissed as "anti-Semitism."

I have not investigated all the "irrational" accusations against "the Jews" but I suspect there is some basis to many. This reflects the fact that the Jewish Illuminati, specifically international bankers and their many non-Jewish allies, are "uniting" the world under their control, using the United Nations as a front.

The aim is to replace the Christian foundations of Western civilization with a bizarre and dysfunctional Luciferian dogma. The human race has been hijacked with the goal of enslaving it. Called globalism or New World Order, this long-term agenda involves an assault on God, nation, democracy, race and family, the effect of which should be obvious.

The Illuminati operate under many guises including "world revolution" (Communism, feminism, liberalism, socialism), Zionism, neo conservatism, and secret societies like Freemasonry and George W. Bush's "Skull and Bones." The CIA, Mossad, foundations, think tanks, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the mass media are among their instruments.

Jews play a disproportionate role in advancing the Illuminati agenda. Many think they are creating a secular humanist utopia where "anti- Semitism" cannot exist. Others just want to get ahead. The Illuminati hides behind them, and disarms opposition by calling it "anti-Semitism."

The Iraq War and "War on Terror" are part of this plan. The Illuminati is responsible for Sept. 11, which Bush understandably refuses to investigate. They manipulate everybody with lies, not only the Jews.


Jul 17, 2013


"We have the US under our control".

The basis of the [Jewish] Lobby's PAC power is rooted in the high proportion of Jewish families among the wealthiest families in the United States. According to Forbes, 25 to 30 percent of US multi-millionaires and billionaires are Jewish. If we add the contributions to the Lobby by Jewish-Canadian billionaires with assets worth over 30 percent of the Canadian Stock Market, we can realize the scope and depth of the Lobby's power to dictate Middle East policy to Congress and the Executive.

Jewish supporters in the Israeli lobby work closely with Congressional leaders to secure long-term, large-scale US military and economic aid for Israel. Most of the mass media and a few trade unions are influenced by unconditional supporters of the Israeli war machine. Pro-Israel Jews are disproportionately represented in the financial, political, professional, academic, real estate, insurance and mass media sectors of the American economy. While Jews are a minority
in each and every one of these categories, their disproportionate power and influence stems from the fact that they function collectively: they are organized, active, and concentrate on a single issue-US policy in the Middle East, and specifically in securing Washington's massive, unconditional, and continuing military, political and financial support for Israel. Operating from their strategic positions in the power structure, they are able to influence policy and censor any dissident commentators or views from circulating freely in the communications and political system.

Israel and the Right of Free Speech
There is presently an inability in America even to formulate or sustain a discourse related to the subject of Israeli influence on the United States. Such an opportunity seemed to open with the courageous publication of a well-documented essay written by Professor Walt of Harvard University and Professor Mearsheimer of University of Chicago critical of the Lobby's influence on US Middle East policy. However, a virulent campaign against Mearsheimer and Walt was then waged by all the major Jewish publications and pro-Israel organizations. From the ultra-rightwing Orthodox Jewish Press (which claims to be the largest "independent" Jewish newspaper in the US), to the formerly social democratic Forward, to the Jewish Weekly, all have launched, together with all the major Jewish organizations, a propaganda campaign of defamation ("the new Protocols of Zion", "anti-Semitic", "sources from Neo-Nazi websites...") and pressure for their purge from academia.
The Jewish authoritarians have already partially succeeded. Their press releases have been published by the mass media without allowing for rebuttal by the academics under attack. Harvard University has demanded that the identification of the Harvard Kennedy School be removed from the paper. The financier of the professorial chair (in his name) which Professor Walt, as academic dean, occupies at the Harvard Kennedy School, is no longer mentioned in his publication. Ultra-Zionist and torture advocate Professor Dershowitz and his fellow Harvard zealots called into question their moral and academic qualification to teach-this concerning professors of the highest standing, with an established record at America's top universities.
In both the United States and France, legislation is being prepared to equate anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism and to criminalize as a 'hate crime' the free expression of outrage over Israeli atrocities and any criticism of the Lobby's control of US Middle East policy.

"We must expel Arabs and take their place."

Poll conducted by the European Union in early 2006
"Israel is the biggest threat to peace in the eyes of most Europeans."
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Jul 17, 2013
Pushing the US into a confrontation with Iran via economic sanctions and military attack has been a top priority for Israel and its supporters in the US for more than a decade." AIPAC believes the Islamic Republic poses a grave threat to Israel's supremacy in the Middle East. In line with its policy of forcing a US confrontation with Iran, AIPAC, the Israeli PACs (political action committees) and the CPMAJO [Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations] have successfully lined up a majority of Congress people to challenge what they describe as the "appeasement" of Iran. According to the Jewish Times, "If it comes down to a political battle, signs are that AIPAC could muster strong support in Congress to press the White House to demand sanctions on Iran."

Fabrication of Iran's Nuclear Threat

Israeli intelligence has determined that Iran has neither the enriched uranium nor the capability to produce an atomic weapon now or in the immediate future, in contrast to the hysterical claims publicized by the US pro-Israel lobbies. Mohammed El Baradei, head of the United Nations International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which has inspected Iran for several years, has pointed out that the IAEA has found no proof that Iran is trying to construct nuclear weapons. He criticized Israeli and US war plans indirectly by warning that a "military solution would be completely unproductive".

The principal result will be a massive escalation of war throughout the Middle East. Iran, a country of 70 million, with several times the military forces that Iraq possessed and with highly motivated and committed military and paramilitary forces, can be expected to cross into Iraq. Iraqi Shiites sympathetic to or allied with Iran would most likely break their ties with Washington and go into combat. US military bases, troops and clients would be under tremendous attack. US military casualties would multiply. All troop withdrawal plans would be disrupted. The 'Iraqization' strategy would disintegrate, as the US 'loyal' Shia armed forces would turn against their American officers.

Beyond Iraq, there would likely be major military-civilian uprisings in Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Pakistan. The conflagration would spread beyond the Middle East, as the Israel-US attack on an Islamic country would ignite mass protests throughout Asia. Most likely new terrorist incidents would occur in Western Europe, North America, and Australia and against US multinationals wherever their operations might be located. A bitter prolonged war would ensue, pitting 70 million unified Iranian nationals, millions of Muslims in Asia and Africa against an isolated US accompanied by its increasingly reluctant European allies" facing mass popular protests at home. .

p132The only possible beneficiary of a US or Israeli military attack on Iran or economic sanctions will be Israel: this will seem to eliminate a military adversary in the Middle East, and consolidate its military supremacy in the Middle East. But even this outcome is problematic because it fails to take account of the fact that Iran's challenge to Israelis primarily political, and does not lie in its non-existent nuclear potential. The first target of the millions of Muslims protesting Israeli aggression will be the Arab regimes closest to Israel. An Israeli attack would be a pyrrhic victory, if a predictable political conflagration unseats the rulers of Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia. The consequences would be even worse if the US attacks: major oil wells burning, US troops in Iraq surrounded, long-term relations with Arab regimes undermined, increased oil prices and troop casualties inflaming domestic public opinion. An attack on Iran will not be a cleanly executed 'surgical' strike-it will be a deep jagged wound leading to gangrene.

The problem is that there is no political leadership to oppose the pro-Israel war lobby within Congress or even in civil society. There are few if any influential organized lobbies challenging the pro-war Israel Lobby either from the perspective of working for coexistence in the Middle East or even defending US national interests when they diverge from those of Israel. Although numerous former diplomats, generals, intelligence officials, Reformed Jews, retired National Security advisers and State Department professionals have publicly denounced the Iran war agenda and even criticized the Israel First lobbies, their newspaper ads and media interviews have not been backed by any national political organization that can compete for influence in the White House and Congress.
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May 22, 2012
I just hope that the people who are in support of this bombing will also support it when reports of civilian casualties come in...because that is what they are supporting. It will not be quick, it will not be easy, and it will not be merciful. War is, by definition, merciless.

I agree about the casualties. However, to be fair (and intellectually honest), an attack on Syria wouldn't necessarily be defined as a "war." Limited military strikes minus any boots on the ground is more like help from afar (I mean that literally; this wouldn't fit the textbook definition of "war" in politics and foreign policy). The people in favor of a strike have a point in that we're already supplying weapons (including missiles) to the Rebels, so the only difference after a resolution would be that we would start firing the weapons ourselves. Proponents of this view say that this would be better anyway, because our systems are much better than anything the Rebels possess; I think there may be a bit of truth to that overall view personally. So, if we had concrete evidence of Assad's use of the CWs and some type of assurance (highly improbable) that we would stick to the initial resolution of very limited involvement, I would be in favor of this; plus, I think in that given scenario you could possibly be incorrect in assuming that this could or would not be quick, easy, and merciful (at least more merciful than indiscriminate attacks). This doesn't necessarily have to turn into Iraq or anything major at all really. And it certainly won't cause WWIII like some people are predicting.

Now, that doesn't take away from the fact that there's still no concrete evidence or official U.N. report. Until I see that, I don't give a fukk what they say about it, honestly. Proof is the only thing that would change my perception of this situation. I'm not one of those hard-headed conspiracy theorist (in fact, I spend a lot of spare time debunking popular theories), so I don't buy into most of the alternative theories of what happened in Syria, but that doesn't mean that I should make logical leaps and assumptions to see this "very clear" evidence our government says they have. I've read their report and listened to their statements. They're sure an attack happened, but that's it. Of course, if you're not careful, their confidence and rhetoric will deceive you into thinking otherwise. I'm not willing to kill anybody or put anybody in danger off of just that, though. Besides, it seems that if the evidence was so "clear and definitive," the international community would be a little more supportive or at least offer their confirmation intell on the subject.
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May 1, 2012
Caught a brief of the Rose/Bashar sitdown. Assad has a away of skirting around the issue, and injecting cynical fear mongering that prompts him as the bogeyman:yeshrug:

And the fact is, if he can slaughtered his people without any thought, then this is going to be one hell of a showdown:whew:
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