Obama's Carte Blanche War Resolution
Any war resolution Congress would pass would likely be interpreted by the administration as a license for all out war on Syria and beyond.
But the
first draft the executive is putting to Congress is even worse:
The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in connection with the use of chemical weapons and other weapons of mass destruction in the conflict in Syria in order to -
- prevent or deter the use or proliferation (including the transfer to terrorist groups or other state or non-state actors), within, to or from Syria, of any weapon of mass destruction, including chemical or biological weapons or components of or materials used in such weapons; or
- protect the United States or its allies and partners against the threats posed by such weapons.
This draft is nearly as wide as the
Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terroriststhat Congress passed on September 14 2001 and which has been (ab-)used by the Bush and Obama administrations as an undiscriminating, unlimited license to incarcerate, torture or kill anyone at the free discretion of the executive.
The key words in Obama's draft and their meaning are:
- "as he determines to be necessary and appropriate" ==> no limits apply
- "in connection with" ==> as everything is connected ...
- "or deter the use or proliferation" ==> by whatever means
- "to .. other state .. actors" ==> target Iran
- "or components of or materials used" ==> from corrugated steel to petroleum products
- "protect ... or its allies and partners" ==> the Zionists
- "against the threats posed" ==> includes non-use but assumed existence of such weapons
It is clear from this wording that such a resolution would allow nearly everything far beyond the "punitive" few cruise missile strikes against Syrian forces the administration marketed so far. It could easily be used for an outright blockade of Iran or even a "preemptive" strike against Iran's industries in the name of "deterrence" and "protecting" Israel.
It is
all or nothing, peace or unlimited war. Anyone with peace on her mind should hope and work to prevent any war resolution from passing Congress. The abuse of any war resolution by this and the next executive is practically guaranteed. And even with a Congress approved war resolution any attack by the United States against Syria would still be a illegal war of aggression under international law.
There is some hope that the French parliament may come to help. The French president is now
under pressure to also allow a vote on a war on Syria and beyond. That would would likely come before Congress votes and the French people are very much against a war. A "no" vote in the French parliament would increase pressure on Congress to also reject war.
During next weeks discussions it will be important to point out that the U.S. "intelligence" about the chemical incident in Syria is full of holes. The
paper by the British Joint Intelligence Organisation used by
Cameron to ask for war speaks of 350 people killed in the incident. On Friday Secretary of State Kerry spoke of 1,429 people killed. The draft war resolution speaks of "more then thousand" killed. 350, 1,429, 1,000 - which is it?
Even the often quoted, pro-insurgency Syrian Observatory for Human Rights
rejects these numbers as propaganda:
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, an organization that monitors casualties in the country, said it has confirmed 502 deaths, nearly 1,000 fewer than the American intelligence assessment claimed.
Rami Abdel-Rahman, the head of the organization, said he was not contacted by U.S. officials about his efforts to collect information about the death toll in the Aug. 21 attacks.
"America works only with one part of the opposition that is deep in propaganda," he said, and urged the Obama administration to release the information its estimate is based on.
If the British and U.S. intelligence can not get the death count right what else in their estimates are just guesses based on open source rumors and insurgency propaganda? Are such unconfirmed estimates,
not knowledge, really enough to send off armed forces to kill more and more people in foreign lands?