"No pain no gain" The Official Redskins vs KKK Grand Wizard Chip Kelly's Eagles.MNF


GOATs Status
May 8, 2012
eagles looked real good last night. question though. once teams get 3-4 games on film of this offense. what happens then??

Teams have to have the personnel to stop it, too....not just the scheme.

You can "figure it out" ON FILM all you want, if the players can't execute stopping it, it doesn't matter.

I'm not saying nobody will be able to stop this offense....I'm saying, you gotta carry OUT the plan in addition to drafting the plan....and I'd be saying that even if it was somebody else's team, cause that's just common sense.

The REAL question is....which teams that they face this season HAVE the personnel to stop it? And I think it starts with that Denver game....


Jun 26, 2012
My thoughts on the game, and not to gas any team up. First the Redskins, it is clear that Shanny fuccked up by not letting RG3 play a few series during the pre-season. The chemistry of that offense was shytty, and most of it because lack of playing among each other with this QB at the helm. Not to mention they had serious disciplined issues that costed them throughout the game. Those silly penalties needs to be corrected quick. I cannot point real blame on RG3, he performed precisely how I would of expected for him to play. Anyone knew from the start that those chemistry issues between him and his receivers would be off, also him playing without any pre-season tryout would give him severe rust, especially with playing with his offensive line. It was also expected and did eventually happen is that he'll come around and start catching a rhythm with his team. So, I can put little fault at him per'se. I put much of the blame on the coaching staff for playing a bit too cautious, which is understandible, but you will never get RG3 comfortable in playing unless you allow him to play his style of play, and due to playing a bit too cautious the BULK of the blame deserves to be on Alfred Morris. RG3 caught a bad rap. Yes, he thrown two interceptions, but that was more due to two great defensive plays (especially the latter one) than on him. His receivers were slow on the reception. Yes, he was for the 1st two and a half quarters was inaccurate, but that's was to be expected due to the rust factor and not settling in. And yes, his knee still appear not 100%, which was the question mark overall. But with that said, with the coaching staff deciding to play overtly cautious, with the Eagles offensive as explosive as it was last night which tired the fucck out of the Redskins defense, the offensive responsibilities suppose all fall on Morris! And what happened? Very 1st play, he fumbled the ball which not only gave the Eagles the chance to capitalize (and they did), but kept the already tired defense on the field! Then lets not even speak on the botched play they led to a safety, which again lead that drained defense more on the field. And his inept running overall during the 1st half. Had Alfred Morris been solid. Had the Redskins right off the 1st possession established their run game as intended which would of put the Eagles offense off the field and rested their own defense, this would of been a TOTALLY DIFFERENT RESULT. Because even through all that, the Redskins still was an onside kick off from stealing a win, and all that was due to settling down and play their game.

Now for the Eagles. Their no huddle/zone spread/lightening quick offense is a BEAST. I believe nobody was truly prepared or expected that and took that Redskins defense completely off gaurd. Not to mention, they did what you suppose to do which is to take advantage of those 4 turnovers by the Redksins and put points on the board. However, and this needs to be addressed. 1.) Vick is still inaccurate with the ball. There were plays where recievers were wide open and he was just completely off in getting to them. 2.) Vick was getting hit way too much and eventually those hits took its licking. This is the con of that spread offense. To the Eagles credit, that offensive line improved dramatically. However, because of the format and the read option, they have no choice but to lead the quarterback open for attack,unprotected. And we already know how injury prone Vick is. Losing him will completely fucck up this offense. 3.) I do NOT buy Chip's "excuse" of "letting off the gas" in the 2nd half. And what I mean by this, even though their explosive offense is fast and furious the 1st half, it was clear to me that that offense themselves were getting tired and beat. I say this because the object is STILL about keeping the OTHER TEAM'S offense off the field. You do that by draining the clock through your run game or screen plays and so forth. The Redskins offense on the 2nd half was on the field almost just as long and with just as many 1st down plays as the Eagles were in the 1st half. That should of never happened. Yes, you can slow down the game, but it is clear that their offense is mediocre when they DO slow it down, partially because of gassing themselves out in the beginning. If they are smart, they would focus on that and learn how to balance it all out, because we don't want the NFL version of Mike D'antoni in our hands thinking they're outscore them with lightening speed and that is that. Lastly, I dunno how this will last. Because this is game one of 16. The average wear and tear will happen. The defense will figure out their scheme. And then what? I feel if they can muster up a balance and if Vick remain healthy the entire season, maybe they'll be making moves. But they almost botched this win. Let that be a reminder to everyone. It was no excuse to allow the Redskins to even be that close.


May 6, 2012
I think the Redskins making that (failed) comeback was a reminder that the Eagles aren't there yet. The system is possibly in place, but they're an offseason or two away from being proper contenders.


Boricua Guerrero
May 6, 2012
Philly #ByrdGang #TPC
My thoughts on the game, and not to gas any team up. First the Redskins, it is clear that Shanny fuccked up by not letting RG3 play a few series during the pre-season. The chemistry of that offense was shytty, and most of it because lack of playing among each other with this QB at the helm. Not to mention they had serious disciplined issues that costed them throughout the game. Those silly penalties needs to be corrected quick. I cannot point real blame on RG3, he performed precisely how I would of expected for him to play. Anyone knew from the start that those chemistry issues between him and his receivers would be off, also him playing without any pre-season tryout would give him severe rust, especially with playing with his offensive line. It was also expected and did eventually happen is that he'll come around and start catching a rhythm with his team. So, I can put little fault at him per'se. I put much of the blame on the coaching staff for playing a bit too cautious, which is understandible, but you will never get RG3 comfortable in playing unless you allow him to play his style of play, and due to playing a bit too cautious the BULK of the blame deserves to be on Alfred Morris. RG3 caught a bad rap. Yes, he thrown two interceptions, but that was more due to two great defensive plays (especially the latter one) than on him. His receivers were slow on the reception. Yes, he was for the 1st two and a half quarters was inaccurate, but that's was to be expected due to the rust factor and not settling in. And yes, his knee still appear not 100%, which was the question mark overall. But with that said, with the coaching staff deciding to play overtly cautious, with the Eagles offensive as explosive as it was last night which tired the fucck out of the Redskins defense, the offensive responsibilities suppose all fall on Morris! And what happened? Very 1st play, he fumbled the ball which not only gave the Eagles the chance to capitalize (and they did), but kept the already tired defense on the field! Then lets not even speak on the botched play they led to a safety, which again lead that drained defense more on the field. And his inept running overall during the 1st half. Had Alfred Morris been solid. Had the Redskins right off the 1st possession established their run game as intended which would of put the Eagles offense off the field and rested their own defense, this would of been a TOTALLY DIFFERENT RESULT. Because even through all that, the Redskins still was an onside kick off from stealing a win, and all that was due to settling down and play their game.

Now for the Eagles. Their no huddle/zone spread/lightening quick offense is a BEAST. I believe nobody was truly prepared or expected that and took that Redskins defense completely off gaurd. Not to mention, they did what you suppose to do which is to take advantage of those 4 turnovers by the Redksins and put points on the board. However, and this needs to be addressed. 1.) Vick is still inaccurate with the ball. There were plays where recievers were wide open and he was just completely off in getting to them. 2.) Vick was getting hit way too much and eventually those hits took its licking. This is the con of that spread offense. To the Eagles credit, that offensive line improved dramatically. However, because of the format and the read option, they have no choice but to lead the quarterback open for attack,unprotected. And we already know how injury prone Vick is. Losing him will completely fucck up this offense. 3.) I do NOT buy Chip's "excuse" of "letting off the gas" in the 2nd half. And what I mean by this, even though their explosive offense is fast and furious the 1st half, it was clear to me that that offense themselves were getting tired and beat. I say this because the object is STILL about keeping the OTHER TEAM'S offense off the field. You do that by draining the clock through your run game or screen plays and so forth. The Redskins offense on the 2nd half was on the field almost just as long and with just as many 1st down plays as the Eagles were in the 1st half. That should of never happened. Yes, you can slow down the game, but it is clear that their offense is mediocre when they DO slow it down, partially because of gassing themselves out in the beginning. If they are smart, they would focus on that and learn how to balance it all out, because we don't want the NFL version of Mike D'antoni in our hands thinking they're outscore them with lightening speed and that is that. Lastly, I dunno how this will last. Because this is game one of 16. The average wear and tear will happen. The defense will figure out their scheme. And then what? I feel if they can muster up a balance and if Vick remain healthy the entire season, maybe they'll be making moves. But they almost botched this win. Let that be a reminder to everyone. It was no excuse to allow the Redskins to even be that close.

this nikka wrote a book