HHH as a wrestler
Shawn Michaels
Kevin Nash
Job Lesnar
Mick Foley
Even Chris Jericho if he's not gonna stay for longer than a few months.
It's time right now to let these new guys sink or swim. Unlike the Carlito's, Morrison's, Kennedy, and Masters of the past these guys want to be great and are competitive. Bryan, Ziggler, Punk, even Ryback want to be the best. And they can't do that if Attitude Era star #23637 is taking up time. And I think the fans right now are ready for something new.
I tried to play along with what they were doing but they have no vision for anything past one night. If there's no big change after Extreme Rules or even tonight at Raw I think it's gonna be time to cut back on the double double E.
HHH as a wrestler
Shawn Michaels
Kevin Nash
Job Lesnar
Mick Foley
Even Chris Jericho if he's not gonna stay for longer than a few months.
It's time right now to let these new guys sink or swim. Unlike the Carlito's, Morrison's, Kennedy, and Masters of the past these guys want to be great and are competitive. Bryan, Ziggler, Punk, even Ryback want to be the best. And they can't do that if Attitude Era star #23637 is taking up time. And I think the fans right now are ready for something new.
I tried to play along with what they were doing but they have no vision for anything past one night. If there's no big change after Extreme Rules or even tonight at Raw I think it's gonna be time to cut back on the double double E.