NO FAP Challenge


Aug 9, 2014
Just lit up :yeshrug:

Didn't wanna rely on herb :facepalm: oh well. Feeling greeting now :biggrin:


the lesbian converter
Nov 8, 2013
OG Coli Night

NoFap is literally just no fap. That's it. Sex with other people is the whole point.

Also, wet dreams don't count because they're involuntary.

What he said! Depriving yourself of all sexual desires will turn you into


Balance is the key.

The thing about fasting though once you go back to a normal diet wouldn't the urge to fap/look at porn come back? I read libido goes down dramatically under fasting but since no one can fast for a long time before health problems come up, etc, etc.

There has to be another way to beat it without resorting to fasting, right?

You right. I only suggest fasting to anyone who has a serious problem, like those that cant go more than three or four days without spanking their salami. Once you get pass the second "wall" self control becomes much easier. Lui Kang gave a great breakdown to the different walls, or levels.
For you guys struggling to maintain your will. I did the no fap challenge multiple times and before that one which will be 100 day long tomorrow, my previous record was 93 days if I recall right.

There are (for me at least) consecutive barriers to pass before being fap free. I believe I'll be now because last time I "relapsed" was just off laziness. So the walls, from my experience are :
* D + 3/4, when the urge come right back at you and really hard. It's like your body needs it.
* D + 7/8, usually, you beat the first wall but there's another one right after (usually a week) which is on the same magnitude of the first one. If you beat it, the urge to fap is starting to slowly be killed
* D + 12/14, the urge is less tough and it's more about losing the habit now
* D + 30, the first month, after 20 days, you're usually better and don't have urges to fap anymore and from now on the urge is likely dead and process is about killing the habit
* D + 60, after the second month, from then on it's really easy. 30 to 60 was to kill the habit, once that's done, it's really up to you to maintain the challenge and if you slip, it's not due to a urge or an habit but most likely because you wanted to do.

The two most important things to do for a successful no fap are
  1. Stay busy and focus on keeping yourself occupied
  2. Stay social. Be around other people as much as you can stand
saw a great video that reiterates point two