Well since 70% of children in the African American community are born to single mothers because of a SINFUL ACT then those children are DEMONIC and thus not a BLESSING.
not true at all
But anyway in the other thread y'all said it was bad idea to get married. And now you say people shouldn't have kids unless they are married, so according to your logic the human race should just stop having kids?
I hope y'all just be n cause you nikkas is ignorant than a mufukka.
And kids are considered blessings because statistically having a baby is damn there a miracle. It may seem like its very easy/common to have a baby, but think about how many times sex happens with no conception. Think about how many times conception happens with no birth. Think about how many births that the mother/baby doesn't live through. Statistically births are not very easy to come by and it is a blessing if you make it through the whole ordeal with a baby at the end.