Sacrifice Carson for a 50-50 chance from lord Goodell
Doubtful. It'll probably be Mcnabb, Dawkins, or Westbrook
Dawkins. Definitely BDawk.
Sacrifice Carson for a 50-50 chance from lord Goodell
Doubtful. It'll probably be Mcnabb, Dawkins, or Westbrook
that super bowl gonna be all philly fans. i doubt any patriots fans gonna wanna brave them eagles supporters
i originally called 28-17, but after sleeping on it, will be much closer 23-21My #Brehtriots
@Ill @Abogado @cook @SchoolboyC @R.E.N. Spells Ren @Raquinotj @PremierDaTruth @JLR Steez @Warren @KevJ @TheKang @Listen @Stress Welker @brunbear @jdubnyce @Wachaveli @BucciMane @naijaboi @Roid Jones @Brady-Carter @Broke Wave @The Entity @MJX @I AM WARHOL@KevCo @Card Holder @Air Game Rule @AlldayNE @-DMP- @chief_keef_stan @Monoblock @YoungMonkeyCashMonkeyBoy @Bernie Madoff @ANNE FRANK @Listen @KOOL-AID @aceboon @JBone4eva @KushSkywalker @TheKang @Turk @YEAHitsHER @GrindtooFilthy @jimihendrixheadband @34TheTruth @JJ_ALL_DAY @Grano-Grano @patscorpio @livindajetlife @JarrodG @dakidblu
The nerve of Eagles fans of all people to try to make this a racial thing when your team offered a contract extension to a player who called black people "******s" and whose owner hasviews about protesting and Colin Kaepernick. Talk about living in a glass house
Why is this PT2?
Outside and Brady and Beli, both teams are completely unrecognizable to the first meeting.