I don’t know how to tag your gay ass name and
@dora_da_destroyer - RIP Nip and of course his death is a huge loss for Hip Hop and the City of Los Angeles, but you’re talking about Michael Jackson.

There’s no comparison. Y’all talk about MJ being a recluse and less accessible to the people and didn’t “touch” them, pause.

Ever heard of the Moonwalkers? Speak ill of MJ or even think about it and they’re on your ass. Have the best selling album of all time and get accused by a couple of idiots on the internet of not “touching the people”, brehs.

I don’t know how old the both of you were when MJ passed away but the news of him passing was breaking news worldwide. Literally worldwide.

Don’t disrespect MJ like that ever again.

RIP Nipsey. RIP MJ.