thought I lost a cartridge brehs.
Had one of the kids take it out to play Kirby and I put it in my pocket of my Nike gym pants. Fell asleep on the couch
Checked the entire house. Every room, trashcan, drawer, toy box, tool box, cabinets. Checked the yard thinking maybe it fell out while I was out there. Checked my car, my lady's car.
Looked under the beds and couches. Took the cushions off, felt in between the cushions and Springs. I looked under them with a bright as flash light. Nothing. Checked every laundry basket, all pockets of all clothes, shook them out.
I ordered a new copy. Decided today "

maybe if I hold a copy, it'll jog my memory and I'll remember if I set it somewhere....."
After 15 minutes that didn't work.
Finally I was like "

I gotta lift this couch up, there's literally nowhere else, even though I looked with a bright ass light and saw nothing but some toys and hair ties.
Lifted it up and there it was.
I'll never go digital because I can still get like 70 for Kirby and smash or Kirby and Odyssey or basically any Nintendo game.
While red dead 2 I can get 10