Jacaveli The Don
I'm always in 2 minds about buying 3rd party Switch games
I bought Doom VFR on my PSVR so don't want to buy it on my Switch, still haven't decided if I want Skyrim on the Switch or PSVR
The only game I have on both my Switch and PS4 is Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection but it is terrible on the Switch thumbpad and even worse on the D pad
I even bought the Pro controller but that ain't no better, why did they put the D pad in the middle of the controller
Any suggestions for a high quality D pad controller?
I bought Doom VFR on my PSVR so don't want to buy it on my Switch, still haven't decided if I want Skyrim on the Switch or PSVR
The only game I have on both my Switch and PS4 is Street Fighter 30th Anniversary Collection but it is terrible on the Switch thumbpad and even worse on the D pad
I even bought the Pro controller but that ain't no better, why did they put the D pad in the middle of the controller
Any suggestions for a high quality D pad controller?