Dude I loved just laying back killing folks on MK8 with the wiimote/chunk combo....I could relax my arms/wrist....looking forward to no cord
Personally, I can't wait to do this:

Dude I loved just laying back killing folks on MK8 with the wiimote/chunk combo....I could relax my arms/wrist....looking forward to no cord
The height of laziness lmaoooPersonally, I can't wait to do this:
THIS!!!Some of us are video game enthusiast who buy consoles because it's our hobby not for perceived value.
Truth be told the common buyer shouldn't be buying any new consoles until at least 3 years in. The first several years you pay a heavy premium for a subpar experience that the buyer 3 years in gets to skip.
Some of us are video game enthusiast who buy consoles because it's our hobby not for perceived value.
Truth be told the common buyer shouldn't be buying any new consoles until at least 3 years in. The first several years you pay a heavy premium for a subpar experience that the buyer 3 years in gets to skip.
First day cop even if the only game it launched with was ZeldaEven if you're a 'true' gamer I don't understand buying a console with 5 games.
My point is (and I think you get it also since you've been critical of Nintendo) is that Nintendo consoles have been on a decline (except for the Wii fluke). Jumping headfirst into the Switch is a mistake. Wait it out. This will probably be their last console (I hope not).
Personally, I can't wait to do this:
5 games is subjective..and when have launches been all around great? Generally, there's 1-2, maybe 3 games people would actually want in a launch, regardless of console or company.
You're acting like nintendo is only guilty of not having hitters for a launch.