In this Act:
(1) CULTURALLY AND LINGUISTICALLY CONGRUENT.—The term “culturally and linguistically congruent”, with respect to care or maternity care, means care that is in agreement with the preferred cultural values, beliefs, worldview, language, and practices of the health care consumer and other stakeholders.
(2) MATERNAL MORTALITY.—The term “maternal mortality” means a death occurring during or within a 1-year period after pregnancy, caused by pregnancy-related or childbirth complications, including a suicide, overdose, or other death resulting from a mental health or substance use disorder attributed to or aggravated by pregnancy-related or childbirth complications.
(3) MATERNITY CARE PROVIDER.—The term “maternity care provider” means a health care provider who—
(A) is a physician, a physician assistant, a midwife who meets, at a minimum, the international definition of a midwife and global standards for midwifery education as established by the International Confederation of Midwives, an advanced practice registered nurse, or a lactation consultant certified by the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners; and
(B) has a focus on maternal or perinatal health.
(4) PERINATAL HEALTH WORKER.—The term “perinatal health worker” means a nonclinical health worker focused on maternal or perinatal health, such as a doula, community health worker, peer supporter, lactation educator or counselor, nutritionist or dietitian, childbirth educator, social worker, home visitor, patient navigator or coordinator, or language interpreter.
(5) POSTPARTUM AND POSTPARTUM PERIOD.—The terms “postpartum” and “postpartum period” refer to the 1-year period beginning on the last day of the pregnancy of an individual.
(6) PREGNANCY-ASSOCIATED DEATH.—The term “pregnancy-associated death” means a death of a pregnant or postpartum individual, by any cause, that occurs during, or within 1 year following, the individual’s pregnancy, regardless of the outcome, duration, or site of the pregnancy.
(7) PREGNANCY-RELATED DEATH.—The term “pregnancy-related death” means a death of a pregnant or postpartum individual that occurs during, or within 1 year following, the individual’s pregnancy, from a pregnancy complication, a chain of events initiated by pregnancy, or the aggravation of an unrelated condition by the physiologic effects of pregnancy.
(8) RACIAL AND ETHNIC MINORITY GROUP.—The term “racial and ethnic minority group” has the meaning given such term in section 1707(g)(1) of the Public Health Service Act (
42 U.S.C. 300u–6(g)(1)).
(9) SEVERE MATERNAL MORBIDITY.—The term “severe maternal morbidity” means a health condition, including mental health conditions and substance use disorders, attributed to or aggravated by pregnancy or childbirth that results in significant short-term or long-term consequences to the health of the individual who was pregnant.
(10) SOCIAL DETERMINANTS OF MATERNAL HEALTH DEFINED.—The term “social determinants of maternal health” means nonclinical factors that impact maternal health outcomes.