bodied yourself that's not a nike, a replica is a fake. Do you understand the words coming out of your own mouth?They are. These “customs” aren’t made with actual Nike products, they’re made with cheap replicas from China and purchased wholesale. They’re fake.
Don’t talk to me about sneakers, you’ll play yourself. I’m literally seeded by Nike, get sent friends and family releases that don’t release retail. You don’t wanna do this

yes i wanna do this.
there are real nikes
there are variants - shoes made from factories that make real nikes with the same materials but unnaproved. variants come in different grades, some close to the retail releases in quality.
there are customs - a custom builds on a real retail shoe and alters it thus the word custom
there are fakes - fakes are copies of the design and material. they are not variants and they are not customs
you're not the only one seeded by nike. a fugazi is literally a fake they couldn't be any clearer. waren lotas was making fake dunks. he wasn't customizing release nike dunks.
mental midgets abound on here....