Our biggest problem has been that we are too excepting and too inclusive. We welcome everybody because of how much and how long we've been other. We let them into our spaces and thought we all black many moons ago and we chilled. We chilled so hard on "we all black" and got WAY too comfortable. They getting their numbers up and showing skin folk ain't kinfolk. They have zero problem running on our back to get theirs. Pan Africanism and Black Liberation been a lie and a lot of us are just waking up and seeing it. Talking about the West and Africa. They only acknowledge afro latinos and afro caribbeans doing there part even though a majority of "black people" were shipped there. Hell they ignore the billions of black people in Africa. They ignore black people in Canada, France, UK, etc. To focus on what we built through everything. Like they didn't willing migrant. It's not about Black Liberation. We fight, they want a pat on the head. Their minds are colonized. They are the ones to comprise a revolt.