The poverty in the land is extreme. Then elites like
@Nemesis will laugh and act as if people that are concerned are fools.
Again, when Nigeria eventually falls, the new nation will be one of progress.
people like me pay more people, give more people money than people like you ever have...
let me be serious for one second the reason i cant stand a lot of people like you is that all you do is talk .... but you wont put your hand in your pocket to help anyone
half my life was spent coming home to see 30 odd people everyday waiting to see my parents because they needed money for school fees, medicines or because they needed by dad to write a letter to get their son out of jail , the foreman from a factory my parents owned ,my Dad used his own money to send the mans wife to south africa for an operation ..... my parents own properties where they havent collected rent from tenants for ten years
they have given huge amounts of money to people starting businesses bought land for people , so many times igbo people have come to my dad when omo oniles have tried to seize their lands and my dad has always helped them and they are always shocked to find out he speaks perfect igbo
my dad has used his own money to take to court and shut down a chinese company that was causing polution (they sent a breifcase of $500,000 to the house my dad kicked them out) hes taken a lot of corporations to court using his own money on behalf of workers that had no say
and the thing is 99% of the time i find this shyt out from other people because my parents never publicised these things, like one of my parents former tenants who cried in front of me at my mothers funeral telling me how when his business was going through hard times he had to sell the land that he was going to build his house on , he sold the land .... a month later my mom calls him and asks him to come to her office, he went to see her thinking it was about unpaid rent, she hands him back deeds to his land and said "dont tell any anybody" People are always telling me how my parents helped them ... every political party you can think of has tried to get my dad to enter politics and he has refused , he has turned down millions of dollars worth of government contracts offered ... over the years my parents have helped more people i can think of set up their own buisnesses and theyve never taken a penny back ....
The reason my Dad is so influential isnt because he has money, a ton of people have more money than my pops, its because he has helped a ton of people , has never turned anyone away and a lot of people owe him favours , with all the money he has his newest car is about 6 years old , hes in his 70s but still drives himself and most of the time his driver is in the passenger seat .... my Dad is an easy going guy who just enjoys life by watching soccer ,,
My Dad went to university in England, his father didnt want him to go so he refused to pay for my Dads education , my dad had 13 jobs including cleaning toilets to pay for his own education .... but hes an elite right?
i employ 55 people , in reality it really should be 20 .... but people need jobs so hey , one of the people I employ is actually a dude that approached me while i was buying bootleg CDs offering to carry out assasinations on any enemies i had , he was a former robber , another guy is a dude that used to be the doorman at a restaurant i like ...... Ive invested a ton of money into people that wanted to start their own businesses fully well knowing i wont see a penny back ..... and every fukking month their is that long list of people i send money to , even when i was living in the states doing all kinds of nonsense i sent money back home to help people regularly .... but hey im an elite right?
And then people like you , who have never done anything for a stranger or for anyone will look at people like me and make those assumptions ....
You dudes are hypocrites because for all the complaining you do you what have you ever done to help anyone or address these problems
If you see me in Nigeria im lowkey , ive never had a facebook account , ive never been on social media , iif im in a club the last place you will see me in is vip with not interested in seeing my name in the papers ....
They tried to kidnap my brother once, they tried to kidnap my dad twice yet they both move freely despite being offered police escorts numerous times
I still live half the time in London because people dont give you space to breathe .... everyone wants to be your fukking friend or have a business they want you to "invest" in ... because being the first born there are now people waiting in the family house to see me rather than my father
I help people because thats what I saw my parents do their whole lives and because despite all my bad points if i can help people i will .... problem is i cant help everyone and i want a life ....
The problem isnt the politicians .... and thats the truth ... The problem is the people , even people like you are part of the problem
Biafra land .. OPC land whatever variations aint going to be any different to Nigeria ..... it will just be a name change ..... the equivalent of buying an old car and respraying it to look like new while it still runs like shyt
About 4 years ago me and my brother were building some duplexes in Isheri , anyway we got insurance for the labourors at the build site .... the chairman of the insurance company came down a week later to meet me and my brother , he said in all his 26 years of being in insurance he had never seen anyone building a house take out insurance for the workers at the site and he wanted to see who these people were .....
Im not Mr nice guy, dont claim to be and I dont want to be , but in a nation of devout christians and muslims apparently Im a good man
you want Nigeria to change stop complaining and go and fukking help people ..... stop being selfish
Im not a negative person, Life is good ..... not because i have a bit of money , i know a ton of miserable b*stards that have more money than i will ever see in my life that are miserable , but because im positive im generally chilled and i dont take shyt to seriously or to heart