The Odum of Ala Igbo
Hail Biafra!

Lol.... fam congratulations on your investments... I’m glad you are doing well
Thing is I’m loaded even if I fukk up my fathers loaded ... I’ve burned through and wasted more money than you can imagine
I’m third generation wealth , my father was loaded his father was loaded ... I own deeds to properties I’ve never seen ,
I’ve never hustled for a contract in my life but I employ 55 people .... I’ve been given every advantage in life yet I still done dumb shyt criminal shyt , black sheep of the family yet I’m still turning down opportunities to make moneyI only ever had one job and that was less than a year .... I conduct my life in second gear ...
I got money invested in businesses that will never see a return , at the time I invested I knew I wouldn’t get it back , just helping people out
And I say this to illustrate a point despite all my best efforts despite my stupidity I’ve never been broke , I told you before I roll around in a car that has no license plates just a crest, I’ve been offered a permanent police escort more times I can imagine ... lol if only they know what I’ve done they would be scared of me
Truth is you are probably a better businessman than me .... and hey if you say you are richer I take your word for it
Difference is if I lost every single penny I owned today ....
I could get a million dollars cash tomorrow with one phonecall if I wanted to ... because when your family name means something it opens a lot of doors , it ain’t fair but that’s life
Of all the things I’ve ever worried about it’s not about being broke which is why I’ve been so reckless in the past and why my Dad refused to give me a when I was a fukkup ....
But you keep up the grind tho.
The fraudulent election
is any of this supposed to be impressive?
what's your educational level?
Stfu. I don't care much for his bragging but keep your elitist educational bs outta here.
99% of Africans get educated to get rich. He's already rich so ..... bonus points ..... doesn't really mattter though. Seems rich enough to pay the educated to do his bidding.
Sorry man dems African parents dey tire em plus law school so it dey vex me. I'm tryna to open bars out here in Ghana not sit in a corrupt ass law court taking bribes to solve all cases.
ADOS dont want their own country, they want equity in their country.
Biafa supporters want complete seperation from Nigeria.
ehhhhh....for now...
get a grip
you sound very emotional
maybe you flunked out of law school and now you're traumatized
the relevance of education is that there is a huge science and technology gap between african countries and developed countries
and major industries that have made countries like japan and south korea wealthy are based on technologies that can only be developed by well educated people
this isn't about law school
i actually would discourage africans from studying law if they can study engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, computer science, biotechnology, etc.
if they can't study those things for whatever reason then could they study law, medicine, architecture, geology, finance, accounting, business, etc.
and if for some reason they can't even study those things
only then should they study arts or liberal arts stuff -- philosophy, fine arts, literature, history, photography, film, music, creative writing etc
not all education is the same or equal
some is higher priority right now than others but unfortunately this isn't said often so people think they can just study what they want
some africans may 'get educated to get rich' right now but many more should get educated so they can build up valuable industries in their countries
for a country to remain a mere commodity exporter or rely only on agriculture isn't the goal
this should be obvious but i guess it's not
people are taking advantage of their 'freedom' to choose to study things that aren't important to the development of their country
and some people like nemesis are running around bragging about making chump change while much richer people in developed countries
and once again try and keep your emotions in check
it's unmanly and also un-african to behave in the manner that you did
it's disgusting reading such an outburst from a male
This wont be an official Nigerian thread without unnecessary monetary/financial brags and lies lmao
Damn, sounds like you have the kind of wealth that will evaporate when Nigeria collapses
I know guys just like him. They have political connections so it's very easy for them to come across millions just from those type of "everybody go chop" contracts. I see a lot of these brehs when in Lagos, and they are content in their little bubble of eating from the national cake while caring very little for the struggling masses. As it was said during the French Revolution, "when the poor have nothing to eat, they will eat the rich". That's why the elites have turned the police force into their private security.
Back to the original point though, if Nigeria ever goes the way of Zimbabwe, that's when we will see who is who. I make it a point to make investments in more stable countries in Africa (SA/Kenya) and in the West (US/UK), because at the end of the day political upheaval in Nigeria is always a distinct possiblity, and you don't want to get caught with your pants down.
Not directing this at anyone in particular fyi.
Yes, it does.Nigeria allows Dual Citizenship too right? I assume only 'citizens' can own land?
Yes, it does.
I think you'd probably need to be a citizen to own land, though I'm not well versed on property law in Nigeria. And if you're not, you probably wouldn't want to anyway. "Omonile" would sell your land by the time you left Nigerian airspace.![]()
Nah, you can definitely be a dual citizen.I'm asking because may African countries aint messing with dual citizenship because it makes it even easier for crooks to funnel out money and resources and have a safe haven in America or the UK
Nah, you can definitely be a dual citizen.
Nigeria's immigration laws are pretty lax. I've even come across non-Nigerians with Nigerian passports.