Consecutive thumbs up
In before "another thread about me" rant 

Lets not act like she got ran off cause shes female. Lol. No, theres plenty of females who post here that get left aloneThis board has run off every female poster. Tf is wrong with y'all?
This board has run off every female poster. Tf is wrong with y'all?
Female posters are leaving
Because nikkas are pushing back
On their ideologies of consistently shytting on men
Knowing they can’t just say whatever the fukk and get praise
Nobody hates women here except maybe one poster
But he’s chilled out
And even still
Brehs call him out when he over steps his boundaries
Any other breh who goes too far
Brehs are asking for real dialogue and accountability
Female posters can’t deal with those two things
And always revert to B-B-But
That’s why we are living in the upside down world
nikkas just going along to get along
So they don’t lose access to p*ssy
Virtual daps from women getting dogged the fukk out irl
By the same ain’t shyt men
They claim every coli breh to be
As far as Leslie Jones
She needs a damn break
Because he/she takes this site waaaaaaaaay too serious
Can’t take a joke
And always running to any NY thread
Woo Chooing and selling wolf tickets
Ain’t nobody scared or worried about anybody on this forum
And if plex and beef were really real
nikkas not going to randomly go to somebody’s house
Because you don’t know what a person has on them
Nothing is ever that serious on a message board